Exact Match:
- butt
- thick end of the handle
- the small unused part of something (especially the end of a cigarette that is left after smoking)
- a large cask (especially one holding a volume equivalent to 2 hogsheads or 126 gallons)
- a victim of ridicule or pranks
- the part of a plant from which the roots spring or the part of a stalk or trunk nearest the roots
- to strike, thrust or shove against, often with head or horns; "He butted his sister out of the way"
- place end to end without overlapping; "The frames must be butted at the joints"
- Thule,
- Ultima Thule,
- abut,
- abut on,
- adjoin,
- advance,
- afterglow,
- afterimage,
- aim,
- ankle,
- articulate,
- articulation,
- assault,
- backside,
- bacon,
- balance,
- barrel,
- batten,
- batten down,
- be contiguous,
- be in contact,
- bear,
- bear upon,
- bearing,
- behind,
- bit,
- bitter end,
- bolt,
- boost,
- border,
- border on,
- bottom,
- bottom dollar,
- boundary,
- bowl,
- breech,
- buck,
- buckle,
- bull,
- bulldoze,
- bump,
- bump against,
- bunt,
- butt against,
- butt end,
- buttocks,
- button,
- by-end,
- by-purpose,
- byword,
- byword of reproach,
- candle ends,
- carton of cigarettes,
- cervix,
- chaff,
- chip,
- chitterlings,
- chump,
- chunk,
- cig,
- cigarette,
- cigarette butt,
- cigarette case,
- clasp,
- cleat,
- clinch,
- clip,
- clipping,
- closure,
- cochon de lait,
- collop,
- communicate,
- conjoin,
- connect,
- connecting link,
- connecting rod,
- connection,
- coupling,
- cracklings,
- cram,
- croup,
- crowd,
- crumb,
- crupper,
- cut,
- cutting,
- debris,
- deck of cigarettes,
- derision,
- derriere,
- destination,
- detritus,
- dig,
- dollop,
- dovetail,
- drive,
- driving force,
- dupe,
- elbow,
- embrace,
- end,
- end in view,
- extreme,
- extremity,
- fag,
- fag end,
- fair game,
- fall guy,
- fanny,
- farthest bound,
- fat back,
- figure of fun,
- filings,
- final cause,
- flitch,
- fool,
- force,
- forward,
- fossil,
- fragment,
- game,
- gammon,
- gazingstock,
- gliding joint,
- goad,
- goal,
- goat,
- gob,
- gobbet,
- gudgeon,
- gull,
- ham,
- ham steak,
- haslet,
- hasp,
- haunches,
- head,
- headcheese,
- hind end,
- hinge,
- hinged joint,
- hip,
- hitch,
- hogshead,
- holdover,
- hook,
- hunk,
- hurtle,
- husks,
- hustle,
- impel,
- impulsion,
- interface,
- interfere,
- interrupt,
- intrude,
- jab,
- jam,
- jambon,
- jambonneau,
- jest,
- jestingstock,
- jog,
- joggle,
- join,
- joining,
- joint,
- joke,
- jolt,
- jostle,
- jumping-off place,
- juncture,
- keg,
- kibitz,
- knee,
- knuckle,
- lard,
- latch,
- laughingstock,
- leavings,
- leftovers,
- lie by,
- limit,
- line,
- link,
- lock,
- lump,
- march,
- mark,
- meddle,
- meet,
- miter,
- mock,
- mockery,
- modicum,
- moiety,
- monkey,
- morsel,
- mortise,
- motive power,
- move,
- nail,
- nates,
- neck,
- neighbor,
- nib,
- nudge,
- object,
- object in mind,
- objective,
- odds and ends,
- offscourings,
- orts,
- paring,
- parings,
- particle,
- patsy,
- pedal,
- peg,
- picnic ham,
- piece,
- pieds de cochon,
- pig,
- pigeon,
- pile drive,
- pilgarlic,
- pin,
- pipe,
- pivot,
- pivot joint,
- point,
- poke,
- pole,
- pork,
- porkpie,
- posterior,
- prat,
- press,
- pressure,
- prey,
- prod,
- propel,
- propelling,
- propelment,
- propulsion,
- pulsion,
- punch,
- pursuit,
- push,
- pushing,
- quarry,
- quintain,
- rabbet,
- rags,
- ram,
- ram down,
- rasher,
- rattle,
- rear,
- rear end,
- reason for being,
- refuse,
- relics,
- remainder,
- remains,
- remnant,
- residue,
- residuum,
- rest,
- rivet,
- roach,
- roll,
- row,
- rubbish,
- ruins,
- rump,
- run,
- run against,
- salt pork,
- sawdust,
- scarf,
- scoop,
- scourings,
- scrap,
- scraps,
- screw,
- seam,
- sew,
- shadow,
- shake,
- shard,
- shaving,
- shavings,
- shiver,
- shoulder,
- shove,
- shoving,
- shred,
- shunt,
- side of bacon,
- sitting duck,
- skewer,
- slice,
- sliver,
- small ham,
- smithereen,
- smoke,
- snack,
- snap,
- snatch,
- snip,
- snipe,
- snippet,
- sowbelly,
- splinter,
- sport,
- stand by,
- staple,
- stick,
- stitch,
- stock,
- straw,
- stress,
- stub,
- stubble,
- stump,
- sucker,
- suckling pig,
- survival,
- suture,
- sweep,
- sweep along,
- sweepings,
- symphysis,
- tack,
- tag,
- tag end,
- tail,
- tail end,
- tamp,
- target,
- tatter,
- teleology,
- thrust,
- tie rod,
- tip,
- toggle,
- toggle joint,
- touch,
- toy,
- trace,
- treadle,
- troll,
- trotters,
- trundle,
- tun,
- ultimate aim,
- union,
- verge,
- verge upon,
- vestige,
- victim,
- waste,
- wedge,
- weld,
- wrist,
- zipper