Exact Match:
- cadence
- a recurrent rhythmical series
- the close of a musical section
- Alexandrine,
- accent,
- accentuation,
- acciaccatura,
- amphibrach,
- amphimacer,
- anacrusis,
- anapest,
- antispast,
- appoggiatura,
- arabesque,
- arsis,
- authentic cadence,
- bacchius,
- bass passage,
- beat,
- bourdon,
- bridge,
- burden,
- cadency,
- cadenza,
- caesura,
- catalexis,
- catenary,
- chloriamb,
- chloriambus,
- chorus,
- coda,
- colon,
- coloratura,
- counterpoint,
- cretic,
- dactyl,
- dactylic hexameter,
- decline,
- decurrence,
- development,
- diaeresis,
- dimeter,
- dipody,
- division,
- dochmiac,
- droop,
- elegiac,
- elegiac couplet,
- elegiac pentameter,
- embellishment,
- emphasis,
- epitrite,
- exposition,
- false cadence,
- feminine caesura,
- figure,
- fioritura,
- flight,
- flourish,
- folderol,
- foot,
- grace,
- grace note,
- half cadence,
- harmonic close,
- heptameter,
- heptapody,
- heroic couplet,
- hexameter,
- hexapody,
- iamb,
- iambic,
- iambic pentameter,
- ictus,
- imperfect cadence,
- incidental,
- incidental note,
- interlude,
- intermezzo,
- introductory phrase,
- ionic,
- jingle,
- lapse,
- level of stress,
- lilt,
- long mordent,
- lowering,
- masculine caesura,
- measure,
- meter,
- metrical accent,
- metrical foot,
- metrical group,
- metrical unit,
- metrics,
- metron,
- mixed cadence,
- molossus,
- mora,
- mordent,
- movement,
- musical phrase,
- musical sentence,
- numbers,
- ornament,
- paeon,
- part,
- passage,
- pentameter,
- pentapody,
- period,
- phrase,
- plagal cadence,
- pralltriller,
- primary stress,
- proceleusmatic,
- prosodics,
- prosody,
- pulse,
- pyrrhic,
- quantity,
- refrain,
- resolution,
- response,
- rhythm,
- rhythmic pattern,
- rhythmical stress,
- ritornello,
- roulade,
- run,
- sag,
- secondary stress,
- section,
- single mordent,
- sinkage,
- slump,
- spondee,
- sprung rhythm,
- stanza,
- statement,
- strain,
- stress,
- stress accent,
- stress pattern,
- submergence,
- subsidence,
- swag,
- swing,
- syzygy,
- tailpiece,
- tempo,
- tertiary stress,
- tetrameter,
- tetrapody,
- tetraseme,
- thesis,
- tribrach,
- trimeter,
- tripody,
- triseme,
- trochee,
- turn,
- tutti,
- tutti passage,
- variation,
- verse,
- weak stress