Exact Match:
- casuistry
- moral philosophy based on the application of general ethical principles to resolve moral dilemmas
- argumentation that is specious or excessively subtle and intended to be misleading
- Christian ethics,
- Stoicism,
- aesthetics,
- altruistic ethics,
- apologetics,
- apologia,
- apology,
- apparent soundness,
- aretaics,
- argument,
- argumentation,
- axiology,
- bicker,
- bickering,
- categorical imperative,
- circularity,
- comparative ethics,
- contention,
- controversy,
- cosmology,
- crossed fingers,
- deception,
- deceptiveness,
- defense,
- delusion,
- deontology,
- disingenuousness,
- disputation,
- dispute,
- distortion,
- egoistic ethics,
- empiricism,
- emptiness,
- epistemology,
- equivocalness,
- equivocation,
- ethical formalism,
- ethical philosophy,
- ethics,
- ethology,
- ethonomics,
- eudaemonics,
- evasive reasoning,
- evolutionism,
- fallaciousness,
- fallacy,
- first philosophy,
- flyting,
- gnosiology,
- golden rule,
- hassle,
- hedonism,
- hollow mockery,
- hollowness,
- hubbub,
- insincerity,
- intuitionism,
- jesuitism,
- jesuitry,
- litigation,
- logic,
- logomachy,
- mental philosophy,
- metaphysics,
- misapplication,
- mockery,
- moral philosophy,
- mystification,
- obfuscation,
- obscurantism,
- ontology,
- oversubtlety,
- paper war,
- passage of arms,
- perfectionism,
- perversion,
- phenomenology,
- philosophastry,
- philosophic doctrine,
- philosophic system,
- philosophic theory,
- philosophical inquiry,
- philosophical speculation,
- philosophism,
- philosophy,
- plausibility,
- plausibleness,
- polemic,
- polemics,
- rationalization,
- rhubarb,
- school of philosophy,
- school of thought,
- science of being,
- set-to,
- situation ethics,
- sophism,
- sophistical reasoning,
- sophistication,
- sophistry,
- special pleading,
- speciosity,
- specious reasoning,
- speciousness,
- spuriousness,
- subtlety,
- theory of beauty,
- theory of knowledge,
- tongue in cheek,
- uncandidness,
- uncandor,
- unfrankness,
- utilitarianism,
- value theory,
- verbal engagement,
- vicious circle,
- vicious reasoning,
- war of words,
- wrangling