- Pax Dei,
- Pax Romana,
- Peace of God,
- abeyance,
- armistice,
- break,
- breathing spell,
- buffer zone,
- caesura,
- cooling-off period,
- day off,
- demilitarized zone,
- drop,
- hesitation,
- holiday,
- hollow truce,
- interim,
- interlude,
- intermezzo,
- intermission,
- intermittence,
- interruption,
- interval,
- lapse,
- layoff,
- letup,
- lull,
- modus vivendi,
- neutral territory,
- pacification,
- pause,
- pax in bello,
- peace,
- recess,
- remission,
- respite,
- rest,
- stand-down,
- stay,
- suspension,
- suspension of hostilities,
- temporary arrangement,
- treaty of peace,
- truce,
- vacation