Exact Match:
- chime
- a percussion instrument consisting of a set of tuned bells that are struck with a hammer; used as an orchestral instrument
- emit a sound; "bells and gongs chimed"
- accord,
- accordance,
- agree,
- agreement,
- alliterate,
- alliteration,
- announce,
- answer to,
- articulate,
- assent,
- assonance,
- assonate,
- assort with,
- atone,
- attune,
- attunement,
- battery,
- be consistent,
- be harmonious,
- be in tune,
- be of one,
- be uniform with,
- bell,
- bells,
- blend,
- bones,
- bong,
- break in,
- breathe,
- butt in,
- carillon,
- castanets,
- celesta,
- change ringing,
- check,
- chime in,
- chime of bells,
- chimes,
- chiming,
- chink,
- chip in,
- chord,
- chorus,
- church bell,
- clang,
- clanging,
- clangor,
- clank,
- clanking,
- clapper,
- clappers,
- clink,
- cohere,
- coincide,
- come out with,
- communicate,
- concentus,
- concert,
- concord,
- concordance,
- concur,
- conform,
- conform with,
- consist with,
- consonance,
- consonancy,
- consort,
- convey,
- cooperate,
- correspond,
- cowbell,
- crash cymbal,
- cymbals,
- deliver,
- denote,
- diapason,
- ding,
- ding-a-ling,
- dingdong,
- dinging,
- dingle,
- dinner bell,
- dinner gong,
- disclose,
- dong,
- donging,
- doorbell,
- dovetail,
- drone,
- electronic carillon,
- emit,
- enunciate,
- euphony,
- express,
- fall in together,
- finger cymbals,
- fire bell,
- fit together,
- fling off,
- formulate,
- gamelan,
- give,
- give expression,
- give out with,
- give tongue,
- give utterance,
- give voice,
- glockenspiel,
- go together,
- go with,
- gong,
- gong bell,
- hand bell,
- handbells,
- hang together,
- harmonics,
- harmonize,
- harmony,
- harping,
- heavy harmony,
- hit,
- hold together,
- homophony,
- humdrum,
- idiophone,
- impart,
- indicate,
- intercede,
- interfere,
- interlock,
- interrupt,
- intersect,
- intrude,
- jangle,
- jibe,
- jingle,
- jingle bell,
- jingle-jangle,
- jinglejangle,
- jingling,
- join in,
- knell,
- knelling,
- let out,
- lip,
- lock,
- lyra,
- maraca,
- marimba,
- mark,
- match,
- melodize,
- metallophone,
- monochord,
- monody,
- monotone,
- monotony,
- musicalize,
- near rhyme,
- orchestral bells,
- out with,
- overlap,
- parallel,
- passing bell,
- peal,
- peal ringing,
- pealing,
- percussion,
- percussion instrument,
- percussions,
- percussive,
- phonate,
- phrase,
- pitter-patter,
- pour forth,
- present,
- pronounce,
- pun,
- put forth,
- put in words,
- raise,
- rattle,
- rattlebones,
- register,
- register with,
- repeated sounds,
- repetitiousness,
- repetitiveness,
- respond to,
- rhyme,
- ring,
- ring changes,
- ringing,
- sacring bell,
- say,
- set forth,
- sheepbell,
- sing in chorus,
- singsong,
- sizzler,
- slant rhyme,
- sleigh bell,
- snappers,
- sort with,
- sound,
- sound a knell,
- sound in tune,
- sound together,
- square,
- square with,
- stale repetition,
- stand together,
- strike,
- striking,
- symphonize,
- symphony,
- synchronism,
- synchronization,
- synchronize,
- tally,
- tam-tam,
- tedium,
- telephone bell,
- tell,
- three-part harmony,
- throw off,
- ting,
- ting-a-ling,
- tingle,
- tingling,
- tink,
- tinkle,
- tinkling,
- tinnitus,
- tintinnabula,
- tintinnabulate,
- tintinnabulum,
- toll,
- tolling,
- tongue,
- tonitruone,
- triangle,
- trot,
- tubular bells,
- tune,
- unison,
- unisonance,
- unnecessary repetition,
- utter,
- verbalize,
- vibes,
- vibraphone,
- vocalize,
- voice,
- whisper,
- word,
- xylophone