Exact Match:
- circulation
- the spread or transmission of something (as news or money) to a wider group or area
- the dissemination of copies of periodicals (as newspapers or magazines)
- free movement or passage through a series of vessels (as of water through pipes or sap through a plant)
- movement through a circuit; especially the movement of blood through the heart and blood vessels
- number of copies of a newspaper or magazine that are sold; "by increasing its circulation the newspaper hoped to increase its advertising"
- (library science) the count of books that are loaned by a library over a specified period
- Rh factor,
- Rh-negative,
- Rh-positive,
- Rh-type,
- Rhesus factor,
- advertisement,
- airing,
- angular momentum,
- angular motion,
- angular velocity,
- announcement,
- antibody,
- antigen,
- arterial blood,
- axial motion,
- bandying,
- blood,
- blood bank,
- blood cell,
- blood count,
- blood donor,
- blood donor center,
- blood group,
- blood grouping,
- blood picture,
- blood platelet,
- blood pressure,
- blood serum,
- blood substitute,
- bloodmobile,
- bloodstream,
- book,
- bowling,
- broadcast,
- broadcasting,
- bruiting,
- bruiting about,
- centrifugation,
- circling,
- circuit,
- circuition,
- circuitousness,
- circuitry,
- circularity,
- circumambience,
- circumambiency,
- circumambulation,
- circumflexion,
- circumgyration,
- circumlocution,
- circummigration,
- circumnavigation,
- circumrotation,
- circumvolution,
- clinical dextran,
- course,
- demonetization,
- devaluation,
- deviance,
- deviancy,
- deviation,
- deviousness,
- dextran,
- diffusion,
- digression,
- display,
- dissemination,
- distribution,
- erythrocyte,
- evulgation,
- excursion,
- excursus,
- flow,
- flowing,
- full circle,
- globulin,
- gore,
- grume,
- gyration,
- gyre,
- gyring,
- hematics,
- hematologist,
- hematology,
- hematoscope,
- hematoscopy,
- hemocyte,
- hemoglobin,
- hemometer,
- humor,
- ichor,
- indirection,
- isoantibody,
- issuance,
- issue,
- issuing,
- leukocyte,
- lifeblood,
- meandering,
- monetization,
- motion,
- neutrophil,
- opsonin,
- orbit,
- orbiting,
- passage,
- periodical,
- phagocyte,
- pivoting,
- plasma,
- plasma substitute,
- printing,
- proclamation,
- promulgation,
- pronouncement,
- propagation,
- publication,
- publishing,
- red corpuscle,
- reeling,
- revaluation,
- revolution,
- roll,
- rolling,
- rotation,
- rotational motion,
- round,
- roundaboutness,
- rounding,
- serum,
- spin,
- spinning,
- spiral,
- spiraling,
- spread,
- spreading,
- spreading abroad,
- swinging,
- swirling,
- swiveling,
- telecasting,
- transmission,
- trolling,
- trundling,
- turbination,
- turn,
- turning,
- type O,
- venous blood,
- ventilation,
- volutation,
- volution,
- wheel,
- wheeling,
- whir,
- whirl,
- whirling,
- white corpuscle