Exact Match:
- confident
- not liable to error in judgment or action; "most surefooted of the statesmen who dealt with the depression"- Walter Lippman; "demonstrates a surefooted storytelling talent"- Michiko Kakutani
- having or marked by confidence or assurance; "a confident speaker"; "a confident reply"; "his manner is more confident these days"; "confident of fulfillment"
- agape,
- agog,
- all agog,
- anticipant,
- anticipating,
- anticipative,
- anticipatory,
- arrogant,
- aspiring,
- assured,
- awaiting,
- aweless,
- balanced,
- believing,
- bold,
- brash,
- brave,
- certain,
- cocksure,
- cocky,
- collected,
- composed,
- convinced,
- cool,
- courageous,
- dauntless,
- decided,
- determined,
- devout,
- dogmatic,
- doubtless,
- dreadless,
- eager,
- equanimous,
- equilibrious,
- expectant,
- expecting,
- faithful,
- fearless,
- fideistic,
- fond,
- forearmed,
- forestalling,
- forewarned,
- full of hope,
- gaping,
- hopeful,
- hoping,
- hubristic,
- impressed with,
- in anticipation,
- in expectation,
- in good heart,
- in hopes,
- intrepid,
- levelheaded,
- looking for,
- looking forward to,
- not surprised,
- of good cheer,
- of good hope,
- optimistic,
- overconfident,
- oversure,
- overweening,
- perky,
- persuaded,
- pietistic,
- pious,
- pistic,
- poised,
- pompous,
- positive,
- prepared,
- presuming,
- proud,
- pushful,
- pushy,
- ready,
- reassured,
- recollected,
- reliant,
- sanguine,
- satisfied,
- secure,
- self-assertive,
- self-assured,
- self-confident,
- self-controlled,
- self-important,
- self-possessed,
- self-reliant,
- self-restrained,
- sold on,
- sure,
- together,
- unafraid,
- unapprehensive,
- unbashful,
- undaunted,
- under the impression,
- undespairing,
- undiffident,
- undoubtful,
- undoubting,
- unfaltering,
- unfearful,
- unfearing,
- unfrightened,
- unhesitating,
- unscared,
- unshy,
- unsurprised,
- unterrified,
- untimid,
- untimorous,
- unwavering,
- uppity,
- valiant,
- waiting,
- waiting for,
- watching for,
- well-balanced