Exact Match:
- confirmed
- having a habit of long standing; "a chronic smoker"
- of persons; not subject to change; "a confirmed bachelor"; "a confirmed invalid"
- having been established or made firm or received the rite of confirmation; "confirmed reservations"; "received confirmed reports of casualties"; "a confirmed Catholic"
- accepted,
- accustomed,
- acknowledged,
- actual,
- admitted,
- affirmed,
- allowed,
- approved,
- ascertained,
- attested,
- authenticated,
- avowed,
- borne out,
- categorically true,
- certain,
- certified,
- chronic,
- circumstantiated,
- conceded,
- confessed,
- corroborated,
- countersigned,
- deep-dyed,
- deep-engraven,
- deep-fixed,
- deep-grounded,
- deep-laid,
- deep-rooted,
- deep-seated,
- deep-set,
- deep-settled,
- demonstrated,
- determined,
- documentary,
- dyed-in-the-wool,
- effectual,
- embedded,
- embossed,
- endorsed,
- engrafted,
- engraved,
- entrenched,
- established,
- etched,
- factual,
- fast,
- firmly established,
- fixed,
- granted,
- graven,
- habituated,
- historical,
- implanted,
- impressed,
- imprinted,
- incorrigible,
- inculcated,
- indelibly impressed,
- infixed,
- ingrained,
- ingrown,
- instilled,
- inveterate,
- inwrought,
- irreversible,
- long-established,
- not in error,
- notarized,
- objectively true,
- old-line,
- on a rock,
- on bedrock,
- professed,
- proved,
- proven,
- ratified,
- real,
- received,
- recognized,
- rooted,
- sealed,
- set,
- settled,
- settled in habit,
- shown,
- signed,
- stabilized,
- stamped,
- substantiated,
- sure-enough,
- sworn,
- sworn and affirmed,
- sworn to,
- tested,
- thorough,
- tried,
- tried and true,
- true,
- true as gospel,
- truthful,
- unconfuted,
- undenied,
- underwritten,
- undoubted,
- unerroneous,
- unfallacious,
- unfalse,
- unmistaken,
- unquestionable,
- unrefuted,
- validated,
- veracious,
- verified,
- veritable,
- vested,
- warranted,
- well-established,
- well-founded,
- well-grounded,
- well-set,
- well-settled