Exact Match:
- confluence
- a flowing together
- a place where things merge or flow together (especially rivers); "Pittsburgh is located at the confluence of the Allegheny and Monongahela rivers"
- accompaniment,
- accordance,
- affluence,
- afflux,
- affluxion,
- agglomeration,
- agglutination,
- aggregation,
- agreement,
- alliance,
- approach,
- articulation,
- assemblage,
- assembly,
- association,
- asymptote,
- bond,
- bottleneck,
- bracketing,
- cahoots,
- call-up,
- canvass,
- census,
- clustering,
- co-working,
- coaction,
- coincidence,
- collaboration,
- collection,
- collectivity,
- colligation,
- collision course,
- collocation,
- collusion,
- combination,
- combined effort,
- communication,
- comparison,
- concatenation,
- concentralization,
- concentration,
- concert,
- concerted action,
- concomitance,
- concordance,
- concourse,
- concurrence,
- conflux,
- congeries,
- conglomeration,
- congregation,
- congress,
- conjugation,
- conjunction,
- connection,
- consilience,
- conspiracy,
- convergence,
- converging,
- cooperation,
- copulation,
- corralling,
- correspondence,
- coupling,
- course,
- crosscurrent,
- crossing,
- current,
- data-gathering,
- defluxion,
- downflow,
- downpour,
- drift,
- driftage,
- flow,
- flowing,
- fluency,
- flux,
- focalization,
- focus,
- funnel,
- gathering,
- gush,
- hookup,
- hub,
- inflow,
- ingathering,
- intercommunication,
- intercourse,
- interlinking,
- inventory,
- joinder,
- joining,
- jointure,
- junction,
- juxtaposition,
- knotting,
- liaison,
- linkage,
- linking,
- marriage,
- meeting,
- merger,
- merging,
- mill run,
- millrace,
- mobilization,
- muster,
- mutual approach,
- narrowing gap,
- onrush,
- onward course,
- outflow,
- pairing,
- parasitism,
- race,
- radius,
- rodeo,
- roundup,
- run,
- rush,
- saprophytism,
- set,
- simultaneity,
- spate,
- splice,
- spokes,
- stream,
- surge,
- survey,
- symbiosis,
- synchronism,
- synergy,
- tangent,
- tide,
- tie,
- tie-in,
- tie-up,
- trend,
- undercurrent,
- undertow,
- unification,
- union,
- united action,
- water flow,
- yoking