Exact Match:
- consort
- the husband or wife of a reigning monarch
- keep company with; hang out with; "He associates with strange people"; "She affiliates with her colleagues"
- accompanier,
- accompanist,
- accompanyist,
- accord,
- accordance,
- ace,
- adjunct,
- affinity,
- agreement,
- ally,
- amigo,
- assent,
- associate,
- attendant,
- attune,
- attunement,
- bedfellow,
- bedmate,
- better half,
- bosom buddy,
- brother,
- brother-in-arms,
- buddy,
- bunkie,
- bunkmate,
- butty,
- camarade,
- chamberfellow,
- chime,
- chiming,
- chorus,
- chum,
- classmate,
- coadjutor,
- coherence,
- cohort,
- coincidence,
- colleague,
- comate,
- companion,
- companion piece,
- company,
- compatibility,
- compatriot,
- compeer,
- comport,
- comrade,
- concentus,
- concert,
- concomitant,
- concord,
- concordance,
- confederate,
- conform,
- conformance,
- conformation,
- conformity,
- confrere,
- congeniality,
- congruence,
- congruency,
- congruity,
- consistency,
- consociate,
- consonance,
- consonancy,
- cooperation,
- copartner,
- correspond,
- correspondence,
- crony,
- diapason,
- dovetail,
- equivalence,
- euphony,
- fellow,
- fellow member,
- fellow student,
- girl friend,
- gossip,
- harmonics,
- harmonize,
- harmony,
- heavy harmony,
- homophony,
- intersection,
- march,
- mate,
- messmate,
- monochord,
- monody,
- old crony,
- oneness,
- overlap,
- pal,
- parallelism,
- pard,
- pardner,
- partner,
- peace,
- playfellow,
- playmate,
- rapport,
- roommate,
- schoolfellow,
- schoolmate,
- self-consistency,
- shipmate,
- side partner,
- sidekick,
- spouse,
- square,
- symmetry,
- symphony,
- sync,
- synchronism,
- synchronization,
- tally,
- teammate,
- three-part harmony,
- timing,
- tune,
- uniformity,
- union,
- unison,
- unisonance,
- workfellow,
- yokefellow,
- yokemate