Exact Match:
- convert
- a person who has been converted to another religious or political belief
- change in nature, purpose, or function; undergo a chemical change; "The substance converts to an acid"
- change the nature, purpose, or function of something; "convert lead into gold"; "convert hotels into jails"; "convert slaves to laborers"
- change from one system to another or to a new plan or policy; "We converted from 220 to 110 Volt"
- change religious beliefs, or adopt a religious belief; "She converted to Buddhism"
- cause to adopt a new or different faith; "The missionaries converted the Indian population"
- make (someone) agree, understand, or realize the truth or validity of something; "He had finally convinced several customers of the advantages of his product"
- score (a spare)
- complete successfully; "score a penalty shot or free throw"
- score an extra point or points after touchdown by kicking the ball through the uprights or advancing the ball into the end zone; "Smith converted and his team won"
- Christian,
- God-fearing man,
- abuse,
- accepter,
- accommodate,
- actuate,
- adapt,
- adjust,
- alter,
- ameliorate,
- apostate,
- apostle,
- apply,
- assimilate to,
- assure,
- backslider,
- be convincing,
- become,
- befoul,
- believer,
- bend,
- better,
- bias,
- bolter,
- break up,
- bring,
- bring home to,
- bring over,
- bring round,
- bring to,
- bring to reason,
- budge,
- carry conviction,
- carve,
- catechumen,
- change,
- change into,
- change over,
- chisel,
- churchgoer,
- churchite,
- churchman,
- clear the trade,
- close out,
- collaborationist,
- collaborator,
- communicant,
- commute,
- convict,
- convince,
- cultivate,
- daily communicant,
- debase,
- defalcate,
- defector,
- defile,
- deform,
- denature,
- desecrate,
- deserter,
- devotee,
- devotionalist,
- disciple,
- diversify,
- divert,
- do over,
- drive home to,
- dump,
- embezzle,
- employ,
- evert,
- extract,
- fabricate,
- fanatic,
- fifth columnist,
- fit,
- follower,
- forge,
- foul,
- give salvation,
- good Christian,
- grow,
- harvest,
- impel,
- improve,
- incline,
- inspire belief,
- introvert,
- intussuscept,
- invaginate,
- inverse,
- invert,
- lead,
- lead to believe,
- liquidate,
- machine,
- make,
- make over,
- maladminister,
- manufacture,
- meliorate,
- metamorphose,
- mill,
- mine,
- misapply,
- misappropriate,
- misemploy,
- mishandle,
- mismanage,
- misuse,
- mitigate,
- modify,
- modulate,
- move,
- mugwump,
- mutate,
- naturalize,
- neophyte,
- overthrow,
- peculate,
- persuade,
- pervert,
- pietist,
- pilfer,
- pollute,
- process,
- profane,
- pronate,
- proselyte,
- proselytize,
- prostitute,
- pump,
- qualify,
- quisling,
- raise,
- re-create,
- realign,
- rear,
- rebuild,
- receiver,
- recidivist,
- reconstruct,
- reconvert,
- recreant,
- redeem,
- redesign,
- reduce to,
- refine,
- refit,
- reform,
- regenerate,
- religionist,
- remake,
- remodel,
- render,
- renegade,
- renegado,
- renegate,
- renew,
- reshape,
- resolve into,
- restructure,
- resupinate,
- revamp,
- reverse,
- reversionist,
- revive,
- revolve,
- ring the changes,
- rotate,
- runagate,
- saint,
- satisfy,
- save,
- schismatic,
- seceder,
- secessionist,
- sell,
- sell one on,
- sell out,
- sell short,
- separatist,
- shift,
- shift the scene,
- shuffle the cards,
- smelt,
- strikebreaker,
- subvert,
- supinate,
- sway,
- switch,
- switch over,
- talk over,
- tergiversant,
- tergiversator,
- terminate the account,
- theist,
- traitor,
- transfigure,
- transform,
- translate,
- transmogrify,
- transmute,
- transpose,
- transubstantiate,
- truster,
- turn about,
- turn around,
- turn back,
- turn down,
- turn in,
- turn inside out,
- turn into,
- turn out,
- turn over,
- turn the scale,
- turn the tables,
- turn the tide,
- turn upside down,
- turnabout,
- turncoat,
- turntail,
- unload,
- use,
- utilize,
- vary,
- violate,
- votary,
- win over,
- work a change,
- worsen,
- zealot