Exact Match:
- convolution
- the action of coiling or twisting or winding together
- Barnumism,
- aduncity,
- affectation,
- aquilinity,
- arachnoid,
- arbor vitae,
- arching,
- archipallium,
- arcuation,
- bedizenment,
- between brain,
- big talk,
- brain stem,
- cerebellar hemispheres,
- cerebellum,
- cerebral cortex,
- cerebrospinal fluid,
- cerebrum,
- circularity,
- complexity,
- complexness,
- complication,
- concameration,
- concavity,
- convexity,
- corpus callosum,
- corpus striatum,
- crabbedness,
- crookedness,
- curvation,
- curvature,
- curving,
- curvity,
- decurvation,
- decurvature,
- diencephalon,
- dura mater,
- endbrain,
- entanglement,
- excurvation,
- excurvature,
- fissure,
- flashiness,
- flatulence,
- flatulency,
- folia,
- forebrain,
- fornix,
- frontal lobe,
- fulsomeness,
- garishness,
- gaudiness,
- glial cells,
- globus pallidus,
- grandiloquence,
- grandioseness,
- grandiosity,
- gray matter,
- gyrus,
- high-flown diction,
- hindbrain,
- hippocampus,
- hookedness,
- hypothalamus,
- incurvation,
- incurvature,
- incurvity,
- inflatedness,
- inflation,
- intricacy,
- intricateness,
- involution,
- involvement,
- lenticular nucleus,
- lexiphanicism,
- limbic lobe,
- little brain,
- lobe,
- loftiness,
- luridness,
- magniloquence,
- mantle,
- medulla oblongata,
- meninges,
- mere rhetoric,
- meretriciousness,
- mesencephalon,
- metencephalon,
- midbrain,
- myelencephalon,
- neopallium,
- occipital lobe,
- optic chiasm,
- orotundity,
- ostentation,
- ostentatious complexity,
- pallium,
- parietal lobe,
- perplexity,
- pia mater,
- pineal body,
- pituitary body,
- platitudinous ponderosity,
- polysyllabic profundity,
- pomposity,
- pompous prolixity,
- pompousness,
- pons,
- pontification,
- pretension,
- pretentiousness,
- prose run mad,
- ramification,
- recurvation,
- recurvature,
- recurvity,
- reticular system,
- rhetoric,
- rhetoricalness,
- rhombencephalon,
- rondure,
- rotundity,
- sensationalism,
- sententiousness,
- showiness,
- sinuosity,
- sinuousness,
- stiltedness,
- subthalamus,
- subtlety,
- swelling utterance,
- swollen phrase,
- swollenness,
- tall talk,
- tanglement,
- technicality,
- telencephalon,
- temporal lobe,
- thalamus,
- tortuosity,
- tortuousness,
- tumidity,
- tumidness,
- turgescence,
- turgidity,
- vaulting,
- ventricle,
- vermis,
- white matter