- ad-lib,
- angle,
- beget,
- breed,
- brew,
- bring forth,
- bring into being,
- cabal,
- call into being,
- coin,
- collude,
- complot,
- conceive,
- concoct,
- connive,
- conspire,
- contrive,
- counterfeit,
- countermine,
- counterplot,
- dash off,
- design,
- develop,
- devise,
- discover,
- do offhand,
- dream up,
- engender,
- engineer,
- evolve,
- extemporize,
- fabricate,
- fake,
- fantasize,
- finagle,
- finesse,
- fix,
- forge,
- formulate,
- frame,
- frame up,
- fudge,
- generate,
- give being to,
- give rise to,
- hatch,
- hatch a plot,
- hatch up,
- hoke up,
- improvisate,
- improvise,
- intrigue,
- invent,
- jury-rig,
- knock off,
- lash up,
- lay a plot,
- machinate,
- make do with,
- make up,
- maneuver,
- manufacture,
- mature,
- mint,
- operate,
- originate,
- pack,
- pack the deal,
- plan,
- play by ear,
- plot,
- prearrange,
- preconcert,
- precontrive,
- predesign,
- premeditate,
- preorder,
- procreate,
- rig,
- scheme,
- scrap the plan,
- set up,
- sew up,
- spawn,
- stack the cards,
- strike off,
- strike out,
- think out,
- think up,
- throw off,
- throw together,
- toss off,
- toss out,
- trump up,
- vamp,
- vamp up,
- wangle,
- whip up,
- whomp up,
- wing it