Exact Match:
- cost
- the total spent for goods or services including money and time and labor
- require to lose, suffer, or sacrifice; "This mistake cost him his job"
- be priced at; "These shoes cost $100"
- afford,
- amount,
- amount to,
- bereavement,
- bring,
- bring in,
- budget,
- budget items,
- burden of expenditure,
- carrying charge,
- charge,
- charges,
- come to,
- come up to,
- cost of living,
- cost out,
- cost-of-living allowance,
- cost-of-living index,
- costs,
- damage,
- dead loss,
- debit,
- denial,
- denudation,
- deprivation,
- despoilment,
- destruction,
- detriment,
- direct costs,
- disbursals,
- disburse,
- dispossession,
- distributed costs,
- divestment,
- expend,
- expenditure,
- expense,
- expense account,
- expenses,
- fetch,
- figure,
- forfeit,
- forfeiture,
- fork out,
- general expenses,
- get,
- go through,
- incur costs,
- indirect costs,
- injury,
- invest,
- labor costs,
- lay out,
- liabilities,
- loser,
- losing,
- losing streak,
- loss,
- material costs,
- mount up to,
- open the purse,
- operating costs,
- operating expense,
- outlay,
- overhead,
- pay,
- pay out,
- payment,
- perdition,
- price,
- price tag,
- prime cost,
- privation,
- put out,
- rate,
- replacement cost,
- robbery,
- ruin,
- run into,
- run through,
- run to,
- sacrifice,
- schedule,
- score,
- sell for,
- set one back,
- shell out,
- sink money in,
- spend,
- splurge,
- spoliation,
- squander,
- stripping,
- swindle sheet,
- tab,
- taking away,
- tariff,
- throw money around,
- total loss,
- total up to,
- unit cost