Exact Match:
- cramp
- a strip of metal with ends bent at right angles; used to hold masonry together
- a clamp for holding pieces of wood together while they are glued
- secure with a cramp; "cramp the wood"
- Jacksonian epilepsy,
- Rolandic epilepsy,
- abate,
- abbreviate,
- abdominal epilepsy,
- access,
- ache,
- aching,
- acquired epilepsy,
- activated epilepsy,
- acute pain,
- affect epilepsy,
- affix,
- akinetic epilepsy,
- anchor,
- angustifoliate,
- angustirostrate,
- angustisellate,
- angustiseptal,
- annex,
- apoplexy,
- arrest,
- arrestation,
- arrestment,
- attach,
- attack,
- attenuate,
- autonomic epilepsy,
- belay,
- beyond one,
- bite,
- blockage,
- blocking,
- blow,
- blunt,
- bollix,
- boring pain,
- bottle up,
- box,
- box in,
- box up,
- burden,
- cabin,
- cardiac epilepsy,
- casket,
- cement,
- charley horse,
- check,
- cinch,
- circumscribe,
- circumscribed,
- circumscription,
- clamp,
- clinch,
- clogging,
- cloister,
- clonic spasm,
- clonus,
- close,
- close-fitting,
- closet,
- closing up,
- closure,
- coarct,
- coffin,
- compact,
- complex,
- compress,
- concentrate,
- condense,
- confine,
- confined,
- confinement,
- consolidate,
- constipation,
- constraint,
- constrict,
- constricted,
- constriction,
- constringe,
- contract,
- convulsion,
- cortical epilepsy,
- crab,
- crabbed,
- cramped,
- cramping,
- cramps,
- crib,
- crick,
- crimp,
- cripple,
- crowded,
- cumber,
- cursive epilepsy,
- curtail,
- cut,
- damp,
- dampen,
- darting pain,
- deaden,
- debilitate,
- decrease,
- delay,
- detainment,
- detention,
- devitalize,
- difficult,
- distress,
- diurnal epilepsy,
- dolor,
- draw,
- draw in,
- draw together,
- dull,
- eclampsia,
- embarrass,
- encase,
- encumber,
- enervate,
- enfeeble,
- engraft,
- enmesh,
- ensnarl,
- entangle,
- entoil,
- entomb,
- entrammel,
- entrap,
- entwine,
- epilepsia,
- epilepsia gravior,
- epilepsia major,
- epilepsia minor,
- epilepsia mitior,
- epilepsia nutans,
- epilepsia tarda,
- epilepsy,
- epitasis,
- eviscerate,
- exhaust,
- extenuate,
- falling sickness,
- fasten,
- fetter,
- fit,
- fix,
- fixation,
- focal epilepsy,
- foot-dragging,
- foul up,
- frenzy,
- fulgurant pain,
- garbled,
- girdle pain,
- gnawing,
- graft,
- grand mal,
- grapple,
- grief,
- grip,
- griping,
- gruel,
- gum,
- gum up,
- hamper,
- hampering,
- hamstring,
- handicap,
- hard,
- hard to understand,
- haute mal,
- hem,
- hem in,
- hindering,
- hindrance,
- hitch,
- hobble,
- holdback,
- holdup,
- hurt,
- hysterical epilepsy,
- ictus,
- immure,
- impede,
- impediment,
- incapacious,
- incommodious,
- inhibition,
- injury,
- interference,
- interruption,
- intricate,
- involve,
- isthmian,
- isthmic,
- jumbled,
- jumping pain,
- keep from spreading,
- keep within bounds,
- kink,
- knit,
- knotty,
- lame,
- lancinating pain,
- larval epilepsy,
- laryngeal epilepsy,
- laryngospasm,
- latent epilepsy,
- lay low,
- lesion,
- let,
- lime,
- limit,
- limitation,
- limited,
- localize,
- lockjaw,
- louse up,
- lumber,
- make fast,
- matutinal epilepsy,
- meager,
- menstrual epilepsy,
- mitigate,
- moor,
- musicogenic epilepsy,
- myoclonous epilepsy,
- narrow,
- nasty blow,
- near,
- negativism,
- net,
- nip,
- nocturnal epilepsy,
- nuisance value,
- obfuscated,
- obscure,
- obscured,
- obstruction,
- obstructionism,
- occlusion,
- opposition,
- orgasm,
- overtechnical,
- pain,
- pang,
- paroxysm,
- passion,
- perplexed,
- petit mal,
- physiologic epilepsy,
- pinch,
- press down,
- prick,
- psychic epilepsy,
- psychomotor epilepsy,
- pucker,
- pucker up,
- purse,
- put to,
- qualification,
- qualify,
- queer,
- rattle,
- reduce,
- reflex epilepsy,
- repression,
- resistance,
- restraint,
- restrict,
- restricted,
- restriction,
- retardation,
- retardment,
- rotatoria,
- saddle with,
- sap,
- scant,
- scanty,
- screw up,
- secure,
- seizure,
- sensory epilepsy,
- serial epilepsy,
- set,
- set to,
- setback,
- sexual climax,
- shackle,
- shake,
- shake up,
- sharp pain,
- shock,
- shoot,
- shooting,
- shooting pain,
- shorten,
- slender,
- snafu,
- snarl,
- soften up,
- solidify,
- sore,
- sore spot,
- spasm,
- squeeze,
- stab,
- stabbing pain,
- stint,
- stitch,
- stoppage,
- strait,
- straiten,
- strangle,
- stranglehold,
- strangulate,
- stress,
- stress of life,
- stricture,
- stroke,
- stultification,
- suffering,
- suppression,
- tangle,
- tardy epilepsy,
- tender spot,
- tetanus,
- tetany,
- thrill,
- throes,
- thromboembolism,
- thrombosis,
- tight,
- tighten,
- toil,
- tonic epilepsy,
- tonic spasm,
- tormen,
- torsion spasm,
- tough,
- trammel,
- traumatic epilepsy,
- trice up,
- trim,
- trismus,
- tweak,
- twinge,
- twitch,
- ucinate epilepsy,
- unbrace,
- undermine,
- unman,
- unnerve,
- unstrengthen,
- unstring,
- visitation,
- weaken,
- weigh down,
- wound,
- wrench,
- wrinkle