used to indicate that a statement explains or supports a previous statement; "Anyhow, he is dead now"; "I think they're asleep; anyhow, they're quiet"; "I don't know what happened to it; anyway, it's gone"; "anyway, there is another factor to consider"; "I don't know how it started; in any case, there was a brief scuffle"; "in any event, the government faced a serious protest"; "but at any rate he got a knighthood for it"
in any way whatsoever; "they came anyhow they could"; "get it done anyway you can"
without delay or hesitation; with no time intervening; "he answered immediately"; "found an answer straightaway"; "an official accused of dishonesty should be suspended forthwith"; "Come here now!"
near or close by; "he passed immediately behind her"
bearing an immediate relation; "this immediately concerns your future"
a thin layer covering the surface of a liquid; "there was a thin skim of oil on the water"
used of milk and milk products from which the cream has been removed; "yogurt made with skim milk"; "she can drink skimmed milk but should avoid butter"
read superficially
remove from the surface; "skim cream from the surface of milk"
coat (a liquid) with a layer
cause to skip over a surface; "Skip a stone across the pond"
casually thoughtless or inconsiderate; "an offhand manner"; "she treated most men with offhand contempt"
in a casually inconsiderate manner; "replied offhand, his mind a million miles away"; "she threw him over offhandedly without even a Dear-John letter"
without previous thought or preparation; "couldn't give the figures offhand"; "we decided offhand to go to Canada"; "she had made these remarks offhandedly"