Exact Match:
- dazzle
- brightness enough to blind partially and temporarily
- amaze or bewilder, as with brilliant wit or intellect or skill; "Her arguments dazzled everyone"; "The dancer dazzled the audience with his turns and jumps"
- to cause someone to lose clear vision, especially from intense light; "She was dazzled by the bright headlights"
- addle,
- addle the wits,
- amaze,
- astonish,
- astound,
- awe,
- awestrike,
- ball up,
- bandage,
- be bright,
- beacon,
- beam,
- becloud,
- bedaze,
- bedazzle,
- befuddle,
- beguile,
- benight,
- bewilder,
- bewitch,
- blatancy,
- blaze,
- blind,
- blind the eyes,
- blindfold,
- boggle,
- bother,
- bowl down,
- bowl over,
- brazenness,
- brilliance,
- bug,
- burn,
- captivate,
- charm,
- cloud,
- colorfulness,
- confound,
- confuse,
- crudeness,
- cut a dash,
- cut a figure,
- cut a swath,
- darken,
- dash,
- daze,
- dazzlingness,
- deprive of sight,
- diffuse light,
- dim,
- discombobulate,
- discomfit,
- discompose,
- disconcert,
- disorganize,
- disorient,
- disturb,
- dumbfound,
- dumbfounder,
- eclipse,
- embarrass,
- enchant,
- entangle,
- entrance,
- excecate,
- extravagance,
- extravaganza,
- extravagation,
- fascinate,
- flabbergast,
- flagrancy,
- flamboyance,
- flame,
- flare,
- flash,
- flashiness,
- flummox,
- flurry,
- fluster,
- flutter,
- fog,
- fuddle,
- fulgurate,
- fuss,
- gaiety,
- garishness,
- gaudery,
- gaudiness,
- give light,
- glance,
- glare,
- gleam,
- glint,
- glitter,
- glow,
- gorgeousness,
- gouge,
- hoodwink,
- hypnotize,
- impress,
- incandesce,
- intrigue,
- jauntiness,
- jazziness,
- loudness,
- luridness,
- luster,
- magnificence,
- make a figure,
- make a show,
- make a splash,
- make blind,
- maze,
- meretriciousness,
- mesmerize,
- mist,
- mix up,
- moider,
- muddle,
- obscure,
- obtrusiveness,
- overwhelm,
- panache,
- paralyze,
- perplex,
- perturb,
- petrify,
- pother,
- put out,
- radiate,
- raise hell,
- rattle,
- ruffle,
- send out rays,
- sensationalism,
- shamelessness,
- shine,
- shine brightly,
- shoot,
- shoot out rays,
- showiness,
- snow-blind,
- sparkle,
- spellbind,
- splash,
- splendor,
- splurge,
- sportiness,
- stagger,
- startle,
- strike blind,
- strike dead,
- strike dumb,
- strike with wonder,
- stun,
- stupefy,
- surprise,
- tawdriness,
- throw into confusion,
- unsettle,
- upset,
- vulgarness