Exact Match:
- devotion
- (usually plural) religious observance or prayers (usually spoken silently); "he returned to his devotions"
- commitment to some purpose; "the devotion of his time and wealth to science"
- feelings of ardent love; "their devotion to each other was beautiful"
- Amor,
- Christian love,
- Eros,
- Platonic love,
- abandon,
- adherence,
- adhesion,
- admiration,
- adoration,
- affection,
- agape,
- allegiance,
- altruism,
- ardency,
- ardor,
- assigned task,
- attachment,
- beatification,
- beatitude,
- blessedness,
- blessing,
- bodily love,
- bona fides,
- bond,
- bonne foi,
- bounden duty,
- brotherly love,
- burden,
- business,
- call of duty,
- canonization,
- caritas,
- charge,
- charity,
- churchgoing,
- co-worship,
- commitment,
- committedness,
- conformity,
- conjugal love,
- consecration,
- constancy,
- cult,
- cultism,
- cultus,
- decidedness,
- decision,
- decisiveness,
- dedication,
- deference,
- definiteness,
- desire,
- determinateness,
- determination,
- determinedness,
- devoir,
- devotedness,
- devoutness,
- disinterest,
- disinterestedness,
- dulia,
- duties and responsibilities,
- dutifulness,
- duty,
- eagerness,
- earnestness,
- enshrinement,
- enthusiasm,
- ethics,
- exaltation,
- faith,
- faithful love,
- faithfulness,
- fanaticism,
- fancy,
- fastness,
- fealty,
- fervency,
- fervidness,
- fervor,
- fidelity,
- fire,
- firmness,
- flame,
- fondness,
- free love,
- free-lovism,
- glorification,
- godliness,
- good faith,
- grace,
- hallowing,
- heart,
- heartiness,
- heat,
- heatedness,
- hero worship,
- holiness,
- homage,
- humility,
- hyperdulia,
- idolatry,
- idolism,
- idolization,
- impassionedness,
- imperative,
- infatuation,
- intensity,
- intentness,
- justification,
- justification by works,
- lasciviousness,
- latria,
- libido,
- like,
- liking,
- line of duty,
- love,
- love of God,
- lovemaking,
- loyalty,
- married love,
- mission,
- modesty,
- must,
- obligation,
- observance,
- obstinacy,
- onus,
- ordainment,
- ordination,
- ought,
- passion,
- passionateness,
- perseverance,
- persistence,
- physical love,
- pietism,
- piety,
- piousness,
- place,
- popular regard,
- popularity,
- prayer,
- prostration,
- purification,
- purpose,
- purposefulness,
- readiness,
- regard,
- relentlessness,
- religion,
- religionism,
- religiosity,
- religiousness,
- resoluteness,
- resolution,
- resolve,
- resolvedness,
- respect,
- reverence,
- ritual,
- sacrifice,
- sainthood,
- sainting,
- sanctification,
- sanctity,
- self-abasement,
- self-abnegation,
- self-denial,
- self-devotion,
- self-effacement,
- self-forgetfulness,
- self-immolation,
- self-imposed duty,
- self-neglect,
- self-neglectfulness,
- self-renouncement,
- self-sacrifice,
- self-subjection,
- self-will,
- selflessness,
- sentiment,
- seriousness,
- setting apart,
- sex,
- sexual love,
- shine,
- sincerity,
- single-mindedness,
- spirit,
- spiritual love,
- spirituality,
- state of grace,
- staunchness,
- steadfastness,
- tenacity,
- tender feeling,
- tender passion,
- theism,
- tie,
- total commitment,
- transcendent wonder,
- tried-and-trueness,
- triedness,
- troth,
- true blue,
- truelove,
- trueness,
- unacquisitiveness,
- unpossessiveness,
- unselfishness,
- uxoriousness,
- vehemence,
- veneration,
- warmth,
- weakness,
- will,
- willingness,
- worship,
- worshipfulness,
- worshiping,
- yearning,
- zeal