Exact Match:
- discipline
- training to improve strength or self-control
- the act of punishing; "the offenders deserved the harsh discipline they received"
- the trait of being well behaved; "he insisted on discipline among the troops"
- a system of rules of conduct or method of practice; "he quickly learned the discipline of prison routine"; "for such a plan to work requires discipline";
- a branch of knowledge; "in what discipline is his doctorate?"; "teachers should be well trained in their subject"; "anthropology is the study of human beings"
- punish in order to gain control or enforce obedience; "The teacher disciplined the pupils rather frequently"
- train by instruction and practice; especially to teach self-control; "Parents must discipline their children"; "Is this dog trained?"
- Spartanism,
- academic discipline,
- academic specialty,
- accommodate,
- accommodate with,
- accord,
- adapt,
- adapt to,
- adjust,
- adjust to,
- administer,
- administrate,
- administration,
- agree with,
- anality,
- aplomb,
- apple-pie order,
- applied science,
- apprentice,
- apprenticeship,
- area,
- arena,
- art,
- assimilate to,
- astringency,
- austerity,
- authoritarianism,
- basic training,
- be guided by,
- be master,
- beat,
- bend,
- bound,
- boundary,
- bounds,
- break,
- break in,
- breaking,
- breed,
- breeding,
- bridle,
- bring to account,
- bring to book,
- bring up,
- call to account,
- captain,
- castigate,
- castigation,
- chair,
- chasten,
- chastening,
- chastise,
- chastisement,
- check,
- chime in with,
- civil government,
- classical education,
- coach,
- command,
- comply,
- comply with,
- compose,
- composure,
- concern,
- condign punishment,
- condition,
- conditioning,
- conduct,
- confine,
- confinement,
- conform,
- constraint,
- contain,
- continence,
- control,
- copyright,
- core curriculum,
- correct,
- correction,
- correspond,
- course,
- course of study,
- criticize,
- cultivate,
- cultivation,
- curb,
- curriculum,
- deal with,
- decorum,
- demandingness,
- demesne,
- department,
- department of knowledge,
- deserts,
- develop,
- development,
- direct,
- direction,
- disciplinary measures,
- dispensation,
- disposition,
- domain,
- draw the line,
- drill,
- drilling,
- edify,
- educate,
- elective,
- empery,
- empire,
- enlighten,
- exactingness,
- exercise,
- fall in with,
- ferule,
- fetch up,
- fetching-up,
- field,
- field of inquiry,
- field of study,
- fine fettle,
- fit,
- follow,
- form,
- form of government,
- foster,
- fostering,
- gear to,
- general education,
- general studies,
- go by,
- good condition,
- good shape,
- good trim,
- govern,
- governance,
- government,
- grimness,
- groom,
- grooming,
- guide,
- harmonize,
- harshness,
- head,
- hedge about,
- hold in check,
- housebreak,
- housebreaking,
- humanities,
- improve,
- improvement,
- in-service training,
- inculcate,
- inculcation,
- independence,
- indoctrinate,
- indoctrination,
- inflict upon,
- infliction,
- inform,
- inhibit,
- instruct,
- instruction,
- judgment,
- judicial punishment,
- keep in check,
- keep in line,
- lead,
- liberal arts,
- lick into shape,
- limit,
- limitation,
- major,
- make conform,
- manage,
- management,
- manual training,
- masthead,
- meet,
- method,
- methodicalness,
- methodology,
- meticulousness,
- military training,
- minor,
- moderate,
- moderation,
- mold,
- narrow,
- natural science,
- neatness,
- nemesis,
- nurse,
- nurture,
- nurturing,
- observe,
- officer,
- ology,
- on-the-job training,
- orb,
- orbit,
- order,
- orderliness,
- overcome,
- oversight,
- pains,
- pains and punishments,
- patent,
- pay,
- payment,
- penal retribution,
- penalize,
- penalty,
- penology,
- pillory,
- political organization,
- polity,
- possession,
- practice,
- preparation,
- prepare,
- prescription,
- preside over,
- proscription,
- proseminar,
- province,
- punish,
- punishment,
- punition,
- pure science,
- put in tune,
- put to school,
- quadrivium,
- qualification,
- qualify,
- raise,
- raising,
- ready,
- readying,
- realm,
- rear,
- rearing,
- rebuke,
- reconcile,
- rectify,
- reduce,
- refresher course,
- regime,
- regimen,
- regiment,
- regimentation,
- register,
- regnancy,
- regulate,
- regulation,
- rehearsal,
- rehearse,
- reign,
- reprimand,
- reprove,
- restrain,
- restraint,
- restrict,
- restriction,
- retribution,
- retributive justice,
- ride herd on,
- rigid discipline,
- rod,
- round,
- routine,
- rub off corners,
- ruggedness,
- rule,
- run,
- scant,
- school,
- schooling,
- science,
- scientific education,
- scourge,
- self-command,
- self-conquest,
- self-control,
- self-denial,
- self-discipline,
- self-government,
- self-mastery,
- self-possession,
- self-restraint,
- seminar,
- send to school,
- settle,
- settle with,
- severity,
- shape,
- sloyd,
- social science,
- sovereignty,
- specialize,
- specialty,
- sphere,
- square accounts,
- stand over,
- sternness,
- stint,
- straighten,
- straiten,
- strictness,
- stringency,
- study,
- subdiscipline,
- subdue,
- subject,
- subjection,
- subjugate,
- suit,
- supervise,
- supervision,
- sway,
- system,
- system of government,
- systematicness,
- take in hand,
- take to task,
- tally with,
- teach,
- technical education,
- technicology,
- technics,
- technology,
- tidiness,
- toughness,
- train,
- training,
- trimness,
- trivium,
- upbringing,
- visit upon,
- vocational education,
- vocational training,
- walk,
- well-deserved punishment,
- what-for,
- wield authority,
- willpower,
- yield