Exact Match:
- discontinuance
- the act of discontinuing or breaking off; an interruption (temporary or permanent)
- abandonment,
- abeyance,
- abjuration,
- abjurement,
- breakoff,
- broken thread,
- brokenness,
- cease,
- ceasing,
- cessation,
- close,
- closing,
- cold storage,
- desinence,
- desistance,
- desuetude,
- disconnectedness,
- disconnection,
- discontinuation,
- discontinuity,
- discontinuousness,
- discreteness,
- disjunction,
- end,
- ending,
- episode,
- fitfulness,
- forbearance,
- incoherence,
- incompleteness,
- intermittence,
- irregularity,
- non sequitur,
- noncontinuance,
- nonexercise,
- nonlinearity,
- nonseriality,
- nonuniformity,
- parenthesis,
- relinquishment,
- renouncement,
- renunciation,
- resignation,
- shutdown,
- stopping,
- surcease,
- suspension,
- termination,
- waiver