- adulterate,
- alloy,
- alter,
- argue insincerely,
- belie,
- bend,
- bias,
- blemish,
- blur,
- buckle,
- burlesque,
- camouflage,
- canker,
- caricature,
- change,
- cheapen,
- check,
- cicatrize,
- coarsen,
- color,
- confound,
- confuse,
- contaminate,
- contort,
- corrupt,
- crack,
- craze,
- crook,
- crumple,
- curve,
- debase,
- debauch,
- deface,
- defile,
- deflect,
- deflower,
- deform,
- degenerate,
- degrade,
- denature,
- deprave,
- desecrate,
- despoil,
- devalue,
- deviate,
- diffract,
- diffuse,
- disfigure,
- disguise,
- disorder,
- disperse,
- diverge,
- divert,
- dogleg,
- dress up,
- embellish,
- embroider,
- exaggerate,
- fabricate,
- falsify,
- flaw,
- fog up,
- fudge,
- garble,
- get one wrong,
- get wrong,
- gild,
- gloss,
- gloss over,
- gnarl,
- hairpin,
- infect,
- influence,
- jaundice,
- jumble,
- kink,
- knot,
- mar,
- mask,
- mess up,
- misapply,
- misapprehend,
- miscite,
- miscolor,
- misconceive,
- misconstrue,
- misdeem,
- misexplain,
- misexplicate,
- misexpound,
- misinterpret,
- misjudge,
- misquote,
- misread,
- misrender,
- misreport,
- misrepresent,
- misshape,
- misstate,
- mistake,
- misteach,
- mistranslate,
- misunderstand,
- misuse,
- muddle,
- obfuscate,
- obscure,
- overdraw,
- overstate,
- paralogize,
- parody,
- pervert,
- poison,
- pollute,
- prejudice,
- prejudice against,
- prejudice the issue,
- prepossess,
- prostitute,
- pull,
- rationalize,
- ravage,
- ravish,
- reason ill,
- refract,
- scab,
- scar,
- scarify,
- scatter,
- screw,
- skew,
- slant,
- split,
- spring,
- squeeze,
- strain,
- strain the sense,
- sway,
- taint,
- tamper with,
- titivate,
- torture,
- travesty,
- trick out,
- turn,
- turn awry,
- twist,
- twist the words,
- ulcerate,
- understate,
- unform,
- unshape,
- varnish,
- violate,
- vitiate,
- vulgarize,
- warp,
- whitewash,
- wind,
- wrench,
- wrest,
- wring,
- writhe,
- zigzag