Exact Match:
- division
- the act or process of dividing
- the act of dividing or partitioning; separation by the creation of a boundary that divides or keeps apart
- an arithmetic operation that is the inverse of multiplication; the quotient of two numbers is computed
- discord that splits a group
- an army unit large enough to sustain combat; "two infantry divisions were held in reserve"
- a group of ships of similar type
- a unit of the United States Air Force usually comprising two or more wings
- an administrative unit in government or business
- (botany) taxonomic unit of plants corresponding to a phylum
- (biology) a group of organisms forming a subdivision of a larger category
- Australian ballot,
- Hare system,
- Jim Crow,
- KP,
- Naval Construction Battalion,
- RN,
- Royal Navy,
- Seabees,
- USN,
- United States Navy,
- aberration,
- abstraction,
- addition,
- adjunct,
- affiliate,
- affiliation,
- age group,
- agreement to disagree,
- airspace,
- alien,
- alienation,
- allotment,
- alteration,
- anacrusis,
- analysis,
- analyzation,
- anatomization,
- anatomizing,
- anatomy,
- apartheid,
- apportioning,
- apportionment,
- approximation,
- area,
- argosy,
- arm,
- armada,
- army,
- army group,
- arrangement,
- assay,
- assaying,
- atomization,
- aye,
- ballot,
- band,
- barrier,
- bass passage,
- battalion,
- battery,
- battle group,
- belt,
- bevy,
- bifidity,
- bifurcation,
- bipartition,
- bisection,
- blood,
- body,
- border,
- borderline,
- boundary line,
- bourdon,
- bracket,
- branch,
- branch office,
- branching,
- brattice,
- breach,
- breach of friendship,
- break,
- breakaway group,
- breakdown,
- breaking down,
- breaking up,
- breakup,
- bridge,
- brigade,
- budgeting,
- buffer,
- buffer state,
- bulkhead,
- bumper,
- bunch,
- burden,
- by two,
- cabal,
- cadence,
- cadre,
- camp,
- canvass,
- canvassing,
- cast,
- caste,
- casting vote,
- cataloging,
- categorization,
- category,
- caucus,
- census,
- centrifugence,
- change,
- chapter,
- chorus,
- church,
- clan,
- class,
- classification,
- cleavage,
- cleft,
- clique,
- cloison,
- cloture,
- coast guard,
- coda,
- codification,
- cohort,
- collision mat,
- color bar,
- column,
- combat command,
- combat team,
- committee consideration,
- communion,
- community,
- company,
- compartment,
- complement,
- component,
- composition,
- confines,
- conflict,
- constituents,
- content,
- contents,
- continental shelf,
- contingent,
- contradistinction,
- corps,
- corridor,
- coterie,
- counting heads,
- country,
- covey,
- crew,
- cross section,
- cross-purposes,
- crowd,
- cumulative voting,
- cushion,
- cut,
- cutting,
- cutting in two,
- cutting the pie,
- debate,
- decentralization,
- deciding vote,
- deliberation,
- demarcation,
- denomination,
- department,
- deployment,
- desynonymization,
- detachment,
- detail,
- development,
- deviation,
- diaphragm,
- dichotomy,
- difference,
- difference of opinion,
- differencing,
- differentiation,
- difficulty,
- dimidiation,
- disaccord,
- disaffection,
- disagreement,
- disarticulation,
- disassociation,
- disconnectedness,
- disconnection,
- discontinuity,
- discord,
- discrimination,
- disengagement,
- disequalization,
- disfavor,
- disharmony,
- disjointing,
- disjunction,
- dislocation,
- disparity,
- disruption,
- dissection,
- dissension,
- dissent,
- dissepiment,
- dissidence,
- dissolution,
- dissonance,
- distinction,
- distinctiveness,
- distinguishment,
- district,
- disunion,
- disunity,
- divarication,
- divergence,
- divergency,
- diversification,
- dividedness,
- dividing,
- dividing line,
- dividing wall,
- divisions,
- divorce,
- divorcement,
- divvy,
- docimasy,
- dole,
- elements,
- enfranchisement,
- environs,
- equation,
- escadrille,
- estate,
- estrangement,
- ethnic group,
- ethnocentrism,
- evolution,
- exclusiveness,
- exposition,
- extrapolation,
- faction,
- fagot vote,
- falling-out,
- fanning,
- fanning out,
- fellowship,
- fender,
- field army,
- field train,
- figure,
- file,
- filibuster,
- filibustering,
- filing,
- first reading,
- fleet,
- flotilla,
- flying column,
- folderol,
- foreigner,
- forking,
- fraction,
- franchise,
- frontier,
- gang,
- garrison,
- grade,
- grading,
- graveyard vote,
- gravimetric analysis,
- ground,
- group,
- grouping,
- groupment,
- guts,
- hairsplitting,
- halving,
- hand vote,
- harmonic close,
- head,
- heading,
- heartland,
- hinterland,
- in half,
- in-group,
- incoherence,
- index,
- indexing,
- individualization,
- individuation,
- ingredients,
- innards,
- insides,
- installment,
- insularity,
- insulation,
- integration,
- interest,
- interest group,
- interlude,
- intermezzo,
- interpolation,
- interseptum,
- introduction,
- introductory phrase,
- inventory,
- inversion,
- involution,
- isolation,
- item,
- items,
- junta,
- kin,
- kitchen police,
- know-nothingism,
- label,
- land,
- legion,
- level,
- line,
- list,
- list system,
- local,
- lodge,
- logrolling,
- luxation,
- maniple,
- margin,
- marine,
- mat,
- measure,
- member,
- merchant fleet,
- merchant marine,
- merchant navy,
- microscopic distinction,
- midriff,
- midsection,
- milieu,
- minority group,
- misunderstanding,
- mob,
- modification,
- moiety,
- mosquito fleet,
- movement,
- multiplication,
- musical phrase,
- musical sentence,
- narrowness,
- naval forces,
- naval militia,
- naval reserve,
- navy,
- nay,
- neighborhood,
- nice distinction,
- no,
- nontransferable vote,
- notation,
- nuance,
- odds,
- offshoot,
- offshore rights,
- open rupture,
- order,
- organ,
- organization,
- ornament,
- out-group,
- outcast,
- outfit,
- outsider,
- pack,
- pad,
- panel,
- parcel,
- parceling,
- paries,
- parochialism,
- part,
- particular,
- particularization,
- parting,
- partition,
- partitioning,
- parts,
- party,
- party wall,
- passage,
- peer group,
- percentage,
- period,
- persona non grata,
- personalization,
- persuasion,
- phalanx,
- phrase,
- piece,
- pigeonhole,
- pigeonholing,
- place,
- placement,
- platoon,
- plebiscite,
- plebiscitum,
- plumper,
- plural vote,
- polarization,
- political party,
- poll,
- polling,
- portion,
- portioning,
- position,
- posse,
- post,
- practice,
- precincts,
- predicament,
- preferential voting,
- premises,
- pressure group,
- property line,
- proportion,
- proportional representation,
- proximate analysis,
- proxy,
- purlieus,
- quadrant,
- quantitative analysis,
- quarantine,
- quarter,
- quota,
- race,
- race hatred,
- racial segregation,
- ramification,
- random sample,
- ranging,
- rank,
- ranking,
- rating,
- rationing,
- recall of ambassadors,
- record vote,
- reduction,
- reduction to elements,
- referendum,
- refrain,
- regiment,
- region,
- religious order,
- remainder,
- removal,
- repartition,
- representation,
- resolution,
- response,
- rift,
- right to vote,
- rising vote,
- ritornello,
- roll call,
- rubric,
- rupture,
- salient,
- salon,
- sample,
- sampling,
- say,
- schism,
- school,
- seclusion,
- second reading,
- secret ballot,
- sect,
- sectarism,
- section,
- sectioning,
- sector,
- segment,
- segmentation,
- segmenting,
- segregation,
- semimicroanalysis,
- separating,
- separation,
- separatism,
- sept,
- septulum,
- septum,
- set,
- severalization,
- severance,
- shade of difference,
- share,
- sharing,
- sharing out,
- shock pad,
- show of hands,
- side,
- silent majority,
- single vote,
- slicing,
- snap vote,
- snobbishness,
- society,
- soil,
- sorting,
- space,
- specialization,
- splaying,
- splinter,
- splinter group,
- split,
- split-up,
- splitting,
- spread,
- spreading,
- spreading out,
- squad,
- squadron,
- stable,
- stanza,
- statement,
- station,
- status,
- steamroller methods,
- strain,
- stranger,
- stratification,
- stratum,
- straw vote,
- strife,
- string,
- subdivision,
- subgroup,
- suborder,
- subspecies,
- subtle distinction,
- subtraction,
- suffrage,
- tabling,
- tabulation,
- tactical unit,
- tailpiece,
- talkathon,
- task force,
- task group,
- taxonomy,
- team,
- terrain,
- territory,
- third reading,
- three-mile limit,
- tightness,
- title,
- train,
- transferable vote,
- transformation,
- tribe,
- trichoschistism,
- troop,
- troupe,
- tutti,
- tutti passage,
- twelve-mile limit,
- typology,
- unit,
- upset,
- variance,
- variation,
- variety,
- verse,
- version,
- vicinage,
- vicinity,
- viva voce,
- vocal minority,
- voice,
- voice vote,
- vote,
- voting,
- voting right,
- wall,
- whole,
- wing,
- withdrawal,
- write-in,
- write-in vote,
- xenophobia,
- yea,
- yeas and nays,
- yes,
- zone,
- zoning