used to indicate that a statement explains or supports a previous statement; "Anyhow, he is dead now"; "I think they're asleep; anyhow, they're quiet"; "I don't know what happened to it; anyway, it's gone"; "anyway, there is another factor to consider"; "I don't know how it started; in any case, there was a brief scuffle"; "in any event, the government faced a serious protest"; "but at any rate he got a knighthood for it"
in any way whatsoever; "they came anyhow they could"; "get it done anyway you can"
done or made using whatever is available; "crossed the river on improvised bridges"; "the survivors used jury-rigged fishing gear"; "the rock served as a makeshift hammer"
showing lack of emotional involvement; "adopted a degage pose on the arm of the easy chair"- J.S.Perelman; "she may be detached or even unfeeling but at least she's not hypocritically effusive"; "an uninvolved bystander"
free and relaxed in manner; "rather degage after the nervousness he had shown at dinner"- Edmund Wilson
lacking in interest or care or feeling; "the average unconcerned that his or her plight is the result of a complex of personal and economic and governmental actions...beyond the normal citizen's comprehension and control"; "blithely unconcerned about his friend's plight"
not occupied or engaged with; "readers unconcerned with style"
easy in mind; not worried; "the prisoner seems entirely unconcerned as to the outcome of the examination"