Exact Match:
- emergency
- a sudden unforeseen crisis (usually involving danger) that requires immediate action; "he never knew what to do in an emergency"
- a state in which martial law applies; "the governor declared a state of emergency"
- X ray,
- blood bank,
- breakers ahead,
- cardhouse,
- cause for alarm,
- charity ward,
- climacteric,
- clinic,
- clutch,
- consultation room,
- contingency,
- convergence of events,
- crisis,
- critical juncture,
- critical point,
- crossroads,
- crucial period,
- crunch,
- danger,
- dangerous ground,
- delivery room,
- difficulty,
- dispensary,
- endangerment,
- examining room,
- exigency,
- extremity,
- fever ward,
- gaping chasm,
- gathering clouds,
- hazard,
- high pressure,
- hinge,
- hospital room,
- house of cards,
- imperativeness,
- imperilment,
- intensive care,
- isolation,
- jeopardy,
- labor room,
- laboratory,
- maternity ward,
- menace,
- nursery,
- operating room,
- pass,
- peril,
- pharmacy,
- pinch,
- plight,
- predicament,
- press,
- pressure,
- prison ward,
- private room,
- push,
- quicksand,
- recovery room,
- risk,
- rocks ahead,
- rub,
- semi-private room,
- storm clouds,
- strait,
- stress,
- surgery,
- tension,
- therapy,
- thin ice,
- threat,
- treatment room,
- turn,
- turn of events,
- turning,
- turning point,
- urgency,
- ward