- abide,
- abide with,
- abiding,
- advance,
- afford,
- allow for,
- be exposed to,
- be proof against,
- be spared,
- be subjected to,
- be tough,
- bear,
- bear up,
- bear up against,
- bear with,
- bide,
- blink at,
- brave,
- brook,
- carry on,
- carry through,
- cease not,
- cheat death,
- condone,
- connive at,
- continue,
- continue to be,
- continue to exist,
- continuing,
- countenance,
- defeat time,
- defy,
- defy time,
- disregard,
- diuturnal,
- drag on,
- durable,
- dwell,
- elapse,
- encounter,
- enduring,
- exist,
- experience,
- expire,
- extend,
- face,
- feel,
- firm,
- flit,
- flow,
- flow on,
- fly,
- glide,
- go,
- go along,
- go by,
- go on,
- go through,
- hang in,
- hang in there,
- hang on,
- hang tough,
- harden,
- have,
- hear of,
- hold,
- hold on,
- hold out,
- hold out against,
- hold steady,
- hold up,
- ignore,
- indulge,
- inveterate,
- jog on,
- keep,
- keep alive,
- keep at,
- keep at it,
- keep driving,
- keep going,
- keep on,
- keep trying,
- keep up,
- know,
- labor under,
- lapse,
- last,
- last long,
- last out,
- leave unavenged,
- let it go,
- lifelong,
- linger,
- live,
- live on,
- live through,
- long-lasting,
- long-lived,
- lump,
- lump it,
- maintain,
- make allowances for,
- meet,
- meet up with,
- meet with,
- never cease,
- never-failing,
- not accept compromise,
- old,
- overlook,
- pass,
- pass by,
- pass over,
- pass through,
- pay,
- perdurable,
- perdure,
- perduring,
- perennate,
- perennial,
- permanent,
- persevere,
- persist,
- pocket,
- pocket the affront,
- press on,
- prevail,
- proceed,
- put up with,
- rebuff,
- regard with indulgence,
- remain,
- repel,
- repulse,
- resist,
- resolute,
- roll on,
- run,
- run its course,
- run on,
- run out,
- run up against,
- slide,
- slip,
- slog on,
- solid,
- sound,
- spare,
- spare the price,
- spend,
- stable,
- stagger on,
- stand,
- stand for,
- stand under,
- stand up,
- staunch,
- stay,
- stay on,
- steadfast,
- steady,
- stick,
- stiffen,
- stomach,
- strengthen,
- sturdy,
- submit to,
- subsist,
- substantial,
- suffer,
- support,
- support life,
- survive,
- sustain,
- swallow,
- take,
- take it,
- take up with,
- tarry,
- taste,
- temper,
- tide over,
- tolerate,
- toughen,
- undergo,
- unfaltering,
- unqualified,
- unquestioning,
- wear,
- wear well,
- weather,
- well afford,
- wholehearted,
- wink at,
- withstand