Exact Match:
- energizer
- a device that supplies electrical energy
- someone who imparts energy and vitality and spirit to other people
- abettor,
- activator,
- actuator,
- animator,
- arouser,
- cajoler,
- coax,
- coaxer,
- encourager,
- firer,
- gadfly,
- galvanizer,
- human dynamo,
- impeller,
- inducer,
- inspirer,
- life,
- motivating force,
- motive power,
- mover,
- moving spirit,
- persuader,
- pleader,
- prime mover,
- prompter,
- restorative,
- spark,
- spark plug,
- sparker,
- stimulant,
- stimulator,
- stimulus,
- tempter,
- tonic,
- wheedler