Exact Match:
- essential
- basic and fundamental; "the essential feature"
- absolutely required and not to be used up or sacrificed
- absolutely necessary; vitally necessary; "essential tools and materials"; "funds essential to the completion of the project"; "an indispensable worker"
- being or relating to or containing the essence of a plant etc; "essential oil"
- ab ovo,
- austere,
- axiom,
- bare,
- bare necessities,
- basal,
- basic,
- basilar,
- bedrock,
- bench mark,
- brass tacks,
- call for,
- called for,
- capital,
- cardinal,
- cardinal point,
- center,
- central,
- chaste,
- chief,
- chief thing,
- climax,
- condition,
- congenital,
- connate,
- constituent,
- constitutional,
- constitutive,
- core,
- cornerstone,
- crisis,
- critical point,
- crux,
- deep-seated,
- demand,
- demand for,
- desideration,
- desideratum,
- element,
- elemental,
- elementary,
- elixir,
- essence,
- essential facts,
- essential matter,
- essentials,
- flower,
- focal,
- focus,
- foremost,
- fundamental,
- gist,
- gravamen,
- great point,
- gut,
- heart,
- high point,
- homely,
- homespun,
- homogeneous,
- hypostasis,
- imperative,
- important,
- important thing,
- inborn,
- inbred,
- indicated,
- indispensable,
- indivisible,
- innate,
- inner essence,
- intrinsic,
- irreducible,
- irreductible,
- irreplaceable,
- issue,
- kernel,
- key,
- keystone,
- landmark,
- leading,
- life-and-death,
- life-or-death,
- main,
- main point,
- main thing,
- marrow,
- material,
- material point,
- meat,
- mere,
- milestone,
- monolithic,
- must,
- must item,
- necessaries,
- necessary,
- necessities,
- necessitous,
- necessity,
- need,
- need for,
- needed,
- needful,
- nub,
- nucleus,
- nuts and bolts,
- occasion,
- of a piece,
- of the essence,
- of vital importance,
- original,
- part and parcel,
- pith,
- pivot,
- plain,
- postulate,
- prerequirement,
- prerequisite,
- primal,
- primary,
- prime,
- primitive,
- principal,
- principle,
- pure,
- pure and simple,
- quid,
- quiddity,
- quintessence,
- quintessential,
- radical,
- real issue,
- required,
- requirement,
- requisite,
- requisition,
- right-hand,
- rudiment,
- rudimentary,
- salient point,
- sap,
- severe,
- simon-pure,
- simple,
- sine qua non,
- single,
- soul,
- spare,
- spirit,
- stark,
- stuff,
- substance,
- substantial,
- substantive,
- substantive point,
- the bottom line,
- the data,
- the details,
- the dope,
- the facts,
- the information,
- the necessary,
- the needful,
- the nitty-gritty,
- the particulars,
- the picture,
- the point,
- the scoop,
- the score,
- the specifics,
- the whole story,
- turning point,
- unadorned,
- uncluttered,
- underlying,
- undifferenced,
- undifferentiated,
- unforgoable,
- uniform,
- vital,
- want,
- wanted