Exact Match:
- fair
- a competitive exhibition of farm products; "she won a blue ribbon for her baking at the county fair"
- gathering of producers to promote business; "world fair"; "trade fair"; "book fair"
- (used of hair or skin) pale or light-colored; "a fair complexion";
- free of clouds or rain; "today will be fair and warm"
- (of a baseball) hit between the foul lines; "he hit a fair ball over the third base bag"
- free from favoritism or self-interest or bias or deception; or conforming with established standards or rules; "a fair referee"; "fair deal"; "on a fair footing"; "a fair fight"; "by fair means or foul"
- not excessive or extreme; "a fairish income"; "reasonable prices"
- join so that the external surfaces blend smoothly
- Christian,
- Junoesque,
- Mardi Gras,
- OK,
- Saturnalia,
- Saturnian,
- acceptable,
- accommodating,
- adequate,
- admissible,
- advantageous,
- affable,
- affably,
- agreeable,
- agreeably,
- alabaster,
- alabastrine,
- albescent,
- all right,
- amiable,
- amiably,
- amicable,
- amicably,
- amply endowed,
- appropriate,
- apt,
- attentive,
- attractive,
- auspicious,
- auto show,
- average,
- balanced,
- balmy,
- banquet,
- bazaar,
- beauteous,
- beautiful,
- becoming,
- beneficial,
- benevolent,
- benign,
- benignant,
- better than nothing,
- betwixt and between,
- blameless,
- bleached,
- blissful,
- blissfully,
- blond,
- blooming,
- blossoming,
- blowout,
- boat show,
- bon,
- bonny,
- booming,
- braw,
- bright,
- bright and fair,
- bueno,
- built,
- built for comfort,
- buxom,
- callipygian,
- callipygous,
- calm,
- candid,
- capital,
- carnival,
- charming,
- chaste,
- cheerful,
- cheerfully,
- civil,
- clarion,
- clean,
- cleanly,
- clear,
- clement,
- cloudless,
- cogent,
- comely,
- commendable,
- commercial complex,
- common,
- compatible,
- complaisant,
- condign,
- congenial,
- considerate,
- cordial,
- cordially,
- courteous,
- cream,
- creamy,
- creditable,
- curvaceous,
- curvy,
- dainty,
- decent,
- decipherable,
- defensible,
- deferential,
- delicate,
- deserved,
- deservedly,
- desirable,
- detached,
- dirt-free,
- disinterested,
- disinterestedly,
- dispassionate,
- dispassionately,
- do,
- dry,
- due,
- dulcet,
- dull,
- duly,
- dun-white,
- eggshell,
- elegant,
- emporium,
- en rapport,
- enchanting,
- enjoyable,
- enjoyably,
- equal,
- equally,
- equitable,
- equitably,
- erect,
- estimable,
- ethical,
- even,
- evenhanded,
- evenly,
- excellent,
- exhibit,
- exhibition,
- expedient,
- exposition,
- exquisite,
- exuberant,
- fair and pleasant,
- fair and square,
- fair to middling,
- fairish,
- fairly,
- famous,
- fastidious,
- fat,
- favorable,
- favoring,
- feast,
- felicific,
- felicitous,
- festival,
- festive occasion,
- festivity,
- fete,
- field day,
- fiesta,
- fine,
- fit,
- flaxen-haired,
- flea fair,
- flea market,
- flourishing,
- flowering,
- foreseeable,
- fortunate,
- free,
- fresh,
- fruiting,
- full of integrity,
- full of promise,
- gala,
- gala affair,
- gala day,
- genial,
- genially,
- glaucescent,
- glaucous,
- goddess-like,
- going strong,
- golden,
- good,
- good enough,
- good-looking,
- goodish,
- goodly,
- graceful,
- gracious,
- graciously,
- grand,
- grateful,
- gratifying,
- gratifyingly,
- gray-white,
- great doings,
- halcyon,
- handsome,
- happy,
- harmonious,
- healthy,
- heart-warming,
- helpful,
- high jinks,
- high-minded,
- high-principled,
- highly respectable,
- honest,
- honeyed,
- honorable,
- hopeful,
- immaculate,
- impartial,
- impartially,
- impersonal,
- impersonally,
- in full swing,
- in good case,
- in the cards,
- in the clear,
- indifferent,
- insipid,
- intermediate,
- inviolate,
- irreproachable,
- ivory,
- ivory-white,
- jamboree,
- just,
- justifiable,
- justifiably,
- justified,
- justifiedly,
- justly,
- kermis,
- kind,
- kindly,
- kosher,
- lackluster,
- laudable,
- law-abiding,
- law-loving,
- law-revering,
- lawful,
- legal,
- legible,
- legitimate,
- level,
- liable,
- light,
- light-colored,
- light-hued,
- likable,
- likely,
- lint-white,
- lovely,
- lovely to behold,
- lucky,
- manly,
- market,
- market overt,
- marketplace,
- mart,
- mean,
- mediocre,
- medium,
- meet,
- meet and right,
- meetly,
- mellifluous,
- mellow,
- merited,
- middling,
- mild,
- moderate,
- modest,
- moral,
- namby-pamby,
- neutral,
- nice,
- noble,
- nonpartisan,
- nonpolluted,
- not amiss,
- not bad,
- not half bad,
- not so bad,
- objective,
- obliging,
- odds-on,
- of a kind,
- of a sort,
- of cleanly habits,
- of good omen,
- of happy portent,
- of promise,
- of sorts,
- off-white,
- okay,
- open,
- open market,
- open-minded,
- ordinary,
- pale,
- palmy,
- party,
- passable,
- pastel,
- pearl,
- pearly,
- pearly-white,
- personable,
- picnic,
- piping,
- placid,
- plaza,
- pleasant,
- pleasantly,
- pleasing,
- pleasingly,
- pleasurable,
- pleasurably,
- pleasure-giving,
- pleasureful,
- pneumatic,
- polite,
- predictable within limits,
- presentable,
- presumptive,
- pretty,
- pretty good,
- principled,
- probable,
- profitable,
- promising,
- proper,
- properly,
- propitious,
- prospering,
- prosperous,
- pulchritudinous,
- pure,
- rainless,
- rational,
- readable,
- reasonable,
- regal,
- reputable,
- respectable,
- respectful,
- rewarding,
- rialto,
- right,
- right and proper,
- right-minded,
- righteous,
- rightful,
- rightfully,
- rightly,
- ritually pure,
- rosy,
- royal,
- ruddy,
- sane,
- satisfactory,
- satisfying,
- satisfyingly,
- shapely,
- shiny,
- shopping center,
- shopping mall,
- shopping plaza,
- show,
- sightly,
- skillful,
- sleek,
- slender,
- smut-free,
- smutless,
- so so,
- so-so,
- solicitous,
- sound,
- splendid,
- sportsmanlike,
- sportsmanly,
- spotless,
- square,
- stacked,
- stainless,
- staple,
- statistically probable,
- statuesque,
- sterling,
- straight,
- straightforward,
- street market,
- sufficient,
- sunny,
- sunshine,
- sunshiny,
- sweet,
- tactful,
- tahar,
- tawny,
- tedious,
- thoughtful,
- thriving,
- tidy,
- tolerable,
- trade fair,
- tranquil,
- true-dealing,
- true-devoted,
- true-disposing,
- true-souled,
- true-spirited,
- truehearted,
- trustworthy,
- tubbed,
- unadulterated,
- unbesmirched,
- unbiased,
- unblemished,
- unblotted,
- unclouded,
- uncoded,
- uncolored,
- uncorrupt,
- uncorrupted,
- undarkened,
- undazzled,
- undefiled,
- unenciphered,
- unexceptionable,
- unimpeachable,
- uninfluenced,
- unjaundiced,
- unmuddied,
- unobjectionable,
- unobstructed,
- unpolluted,
- unprejudiced,
- unprepossessed,
- unsmirched,
- unsmudged,
- unsoiled,
- unspotted,
- unstained,
- unsullied,
- unswayed,
- untainted,
- untarnished,
- upon even terms,
- upright,
- uprighteous,
- upstanding,
- urbane,
- useful,
- valid,
- vapid,
- verisimilar,
- very good,
- vigorous,
- virtuous,
- warrantable,
- warrantably,
- warranted,
- warrantedly,
- waygoose,
- wayzgoose,
- welcome,
- well-built,
- well-favored,
- well-formed,
- well-made,
- well-proportioned,
- well-scrubbed,
- well-shaped,
- well-stacked,
- well-washed,
- white,
- whitened,
- whitish,
- whity,
- wishy-washy,
- without distinction,
- workmanlike,
- worthy,
- yeomanly