Exact Match:
- fall
- a lapse into sin; a loss of innocence or of chastity; "a fall from virtue"
- a movement downward; "the rise and fall of the tides"
- a sudden decline in strength or number or importance; "the fall of the House of Hapsburg"
- when a wrestler's shoulders are forced to the mat
- the lapse of mankind into sinfulness because of the sin of Adam and Eve; "women have been blamed ever since the Fall"
- the season when the leaves fall from the trees; "in the fall of 1973"
- pass suddenly and passively into a state of body or mind; "fall into a trap"; "She fell ill"; "They fell out of favor"; "Fall in love"; "fall asleep"; "fall prey to an imposter"; "fall into a strange way of thinking"; "she fell to pieces after she lost her work"
- come as if by falling; "Night fell"; "Silence fell"
- go as if by falling; "Grief fell from our hearts"
- occur at a specified time or place; "Christmas falls on a Monday this year"; "The accent falls on the first syllable"
- begin vigorously; "The prisoners fell to work right away"
- be born, used chiefly of lambs; "The lambs fell in the afternoon"
- come out; issue; "silly phrases fell from her mouth"
- be cast down; "his eyes fell"
- assume a disappointed or sad expression; "Her face fell when she heard that she would be laid off"; "his crest fell"
- descend in free fall under the influence of gravity; "The branch fell from the tree"; "The unfortunate hiker fell into a crevasse"
- drop oneself to a lower or less erect position; "She fell back in her chair"; "He fell to his knees"
- lose an upright position suddenly; "The vase fell over and the water spilled onto the table"; "Her hair fell across her forehead"
- slope downward; "The hills around here fall towards the ocean"
- move in a specified direction; "The line of men fall forward"
- be inherited by; "The estate fell to my sister"; "The land returned to the family"; "The estate devolved to an heir that everybody had assumed to be dead"
- fall to somebody by assignment or lot; "The task fell to me"; "It fell to me to notify the parents of the victims"
- be captured; "The cities fell to the enemy"
- to be given by assignment or distribution; "The most difficult task fell on the youngest member of the team"; "The onus fell on us"; "The pressure to succeed fell on the youngest student"
- to be given by right or inheritance; "The estate fell to the oldest daughter"
- lose office or power; "The government fell overnight"; "The Qing Dynasty fell with Sun Yat-sen"
- suffer defeat, failure, or ruin; "We must stand or fall"; "fall by the wayside"
- yield to temptation or sin; "Adam and Eve fell"
- lose one's chastity; "a fallen woman"
- touch or seem as if touching visually or audibly; "Light fell on her face"; "The sun shone on the fields"; "The light struck the golden necklace"; "A strange sound struck my ears"
- die, as in battle or in a hunt; "Many soldiers fell at Verdun"; "Several deer have fallen to the same gun"; "The shooting victim fell dead"
- be due; "payments fall on the 1st of the month"
- come under, be classified or included; "fall into a category"; "This comes under a new heading"
- Niagara,
- Scotch mist,
- Waterloo,
- abate,
- abatement,
- ablate,
- accept,
- apostasy,
- ascend,
- assail,
- assault,
- associate with,
- attack,
- autumn,
- backslide,
- backsliding,
- bag,
- bank,
- bate,
- be destroyed,
- be eaten away,
- be found,
- be found wanting,
- be killed,
- be lost,
- be met with,
- be realized,
- be unsuccessful,
- beat down,
- beating,
- befall,
- befriend,
- begin,
- belly buster,
- belly flop,
- belly whopper,
- beset,
- betide,
- bite the dust,
- blood rain,
- bouleversement,
- bow,
- break,
- break up,
- breakdown,
- call on,
- call upon,
- cannonball,
- cant,
- capitulate,
- capitulation,
- capsize,
- capture,
- careen,
- cascade,
- catabasis,
- cataract,
- cave in,
- cease to be,
- cease to live,
- cheapen,
- chignon,
- chute,
- clash,
- climb,
- collapse,
- come,
- come a cropper,
- come about,
- come down,
- come off,
- come to naught,
- come to nothing,
- come to pass,
- come true,
- comedown,
- commence,
- conquering,
- conquest,
- consume,
- consume away,
- convulsion,
- corrode,
- count on,
- crash,
- crash dive,
- cropper,
- crumble,
- crumble to dust,
- crumple,
- culbute,
- cut,
- cut prices,
- daggle,
- dangle,
- deathblow,
- debacle,
- debasement,
- decadence,
- decadency,
- decay,
- decease,
- deceleration,
- declension,
- declination,
- decline,
- decline and fall,
- declivity,
- decrease,
- decrescendo,
- defeat,
- deflate,
- deflation,
- defluxion,
- deformation,
- degeneracy,
- degenerate,
- degenerateness,
- degeneration,
- degradation,
- deliquesce,
- demotion,
- depart,
- depart this life,
- depend,
- depravation,
- depravedness,
- depreciate,
- depreciation,
- derogation,
- descend,
- descending,
- descension,
- descent,
- destruction,
- deteriorate,
- deterioration,
- devaluate,
- devolution,
- die,
- die away,
- die down,
- differ,
- diminish,
- diminuendo,
- diminution,
- dip,
- dip down,
- disagree,
- disappoint,
- disintegrate,
- dispute,
- dive,
- down,
- downbend,
- downcome,
- downcurve,
- downfall,
- downflow,
- downgate,
- downgrade,
- downhill,
- downpour,
- downrush,
- downtrend,
- downturn,
- downward mobility,
- downward trend,
- drabble,
- drag,
- draggle,
- drape,
- draw back,
- drizzle,
- droop,
- drop,
- drop dead,
- drop down,
- drop off,
- dropping,
- drubbing,
- drum,
- dwindle,
- dwindling,
- dying,
- ebb,
- eclipse,
- effeteness,
- employ,
- erode,
- err,
- evening mist,
- eventuate,
- expire,
- fade,
- fading,
- fail,
- failing,
- failure,
- failure of nerve,
- fall again into,
- fall asleep,
- fall away,
- fall back,
- fall behind,
- fall dead,
- fall down,
- fall flat,
- fall for,
- fall from grace,
- fall headlong,
- fall in,
- fall in price,
- fall in with,
- fall of Adam,
- fall of man,
- fall off,
- fall out,
- fall over,
- fall prostrate,
- fall short,
- fall stillborn,
- fall through,
- fall to,
- fall to pieces,
- falling,
- falling-off,
- falls,
- false hair,
- fight,
- fizzle out,
- flap,
- flop,
- flounder,
- flow,
- flurry,
- force,
- forced landing,
- fragment,
- gainer,
- get a cropper,
- get cracking,
- get moving,
- get under way,
- give in,
- give up,
- give way,
- go,
- go about,
- go along with,
- go astray,
- go down,
- go downhill,
- go off,
- go out,
- go to pieces,
- go to ruin,
- go to smash,
- go under,
- go uphill,
- go wrong,
- gout of rain,
- grade,
- gravitate,
- gravitation,
- hang,
- hang down,
- hanging,
- hap,
- happen,
- harvest,
- harvest home,
- harvest time,
- have a relapse,
- have enough,
- have recourse to,
- header,
- hiding,
- hit a slump,
- hit rock bottom,
- hit the skids,
- inclination,
- incline,
- involution,
- jackknife,
- jew down,
- join,
- keel,
- keel over,
- lag,
- lambasting,
- languish,
- lapse,
- lapse back,
- lathering,
- lay an egg,
- lean,
- lessen,
- let up,
- lick the dust,
- licking,
- linn,
- list,
- lop,
- lose,
- lose altitude,
- lose out,
- lose the day,
- loss of tone,
- lower,
- lowering,
- lurch,
- make use of,
- mark down,
- mastery,
- melt away,
- miscarry,
- miss,
- mist,
- misty rain,
- mizzle,
- moderate,
- moisture,
- nappe,
- nod,
- nose dive,
- nose-dive,
- nosedive,
- occur,
- overcoming,
- overthrow,
- overturn,
- parachute,
- parachute jump,
- pare,
- part,
- pass,
- pass away,
- pass off,
- pass on,
- pass over,
- patter,
- pelt,
- pend,
- perish,
- pitch,
- pitter-patter,
- plop,
- plummet,
- plummeting,
- plump,
- plunge,
- plunk,
- pounce,
- pounce on,
- pounce upon,
- pour,
- pour down,
- pour with rain,
- power dive,
- pratfall,
- precipitate,
- precipitation,
- prostration,
- put off mortality,
- quarrel,
- quietus,
- quit this world,
- rain,
- rain tadpoles,
- raindrop,
- rainfall,
- rainwater,
- rake,
- rapids,
- rat,
- reach the depths,
- recede,
- recidivate,
- recidivation,
- recidivism,
- recur to,
- reduce,
- regress,
- regression,
- relapse,
- relent,
- remission,
- resort to,
- retire,
- retreat,
- retrocession,
- retrogradation,
- retrogression,
- return to,
- return to dust,
- revert,
- revert to,
- rise,
- ruin,
- run down,
- run low,
- running dive,
- sabotage,
- sag,
- sault,
- say uncle,
- seizure,
- set about,
- set upon,
- settle,
- shatter,
- shave,
- sheet of rain,
- shelve,
- shower,
- shower down,
- shrink,
- sidle,
- sin of Adam,
- sink,
- sink back,
- sinking,
- skid,
- skin-dive,
- sky dive,
- sky-dive,
- slacken,
- slant,
- slash,
- slide,
- slide back,
- slip,
- slip back,
- slippage,
- slope,
- slowdown,
- slump,
- smash,
- sound,
- spatter,
- spill,
- spit,
- splatter,
- spout,
- sprawl,
- spread-eagle,
- sprinkle,
- squabble,
- stagger,
- start,
- stationary dive,
- stoop,
- stop breathing,
- storm,
- stream,
- strike,
- stumble,
- subdual,
- subduing,
- subjugation,
- submission,
- submit,
- subside,
- subsidence,
- subversion,
- succumb,
- succumb to,
- support,
- surrender,
- swag,
- swallow,
- swan dive,
- sway,
- swing,
- switch,
- swoop,
- swoop down,
- tackle,
- tail off,
- tailspin,
- take a fall,
- take a flop,
- take a header,
- take a pratfall,
- take a spill,
- take on,
- take place,
- take the count,
- taking,
- tattoo,
- thrashing,
- tilt,
- tip,
- topple,
- topple down,
- topple over,
- totter,
- touch bottom,
- trail,
- transpire,
- trend downward,
- trim,
- trimming,
- trip,
- trouncing,
- tumble,
- turn turtle,
- undertake,
- undoing,
- unfrozen hydrometeor,
- up and die,
- upheaval,
- uprise,
- upset,
- use,
- vanquishment,
- wane,
- waste,
- waste away,
- waterfall,
- watershoot,
- wear,
- wear away,
- weep,
- wet,
- whipping,
- withdraw,
- wrangle,
- yield,
- yield again to,
- yield the ghost