Exact Match:
- falsify
- falsify knowingly; "She falsified the records"
- prove false; "Falsify a claim"
- make false by mutilation or addition; as of a message or story
- alter,
- be untruthful,
- belie,
- burlesque,
- camouflage,
- caricature,
- change,
- cheat,
- color,
- contort,
- contradict,
- contravene,
- cook,
- deceive,
- deny,
- disguise,
- distort,
- doctor,
- draw the longbow,
- dress up,
- embellish,
- embroider,
- equivocate,
- evade,
- exaggerate,
- fake,
- fib,
- fudge,
- garble,
- gild,
- gloss,
- gloss over,
- lie,
- lie flatly,
- mask,
- miscite,
- miscolor,
- mislead,
- misquote,
- misreport,
- misrepresent,
- misstate,
- misteach,
- overdraw,
- overstate,
- palter,
- parody,
- pervert,
- prevaricate,
- shift,
- shift about,
- slant,
- speak falsely,
- story,
- strain,
- stretch the truth,
- tell a lie,
- titivate,
- traverse,
- travesty,
- trick out,
- trump up,
- twist,
- understate,
- varnish,
- warp,
- whitewash,
- wrench