Exact Match:
- featherweight
- a professional boxer who weighs between 123 and 126 pounds
- weighs 126-139 pounds
- an amateur boxer who weighs no more than 126 pounds
- Chinese boxer,
- bantam,
- bantamweight,
- banty,
- black belt,
- boxer,
- brown belt,
- bruiser,
- button,
- catchweight,
- chit,
- cluck,
- diminutive,
- dimwit,
- dumb,
- fighter,
- fingerling,
- fisticuffer,
- flyweight,
- forceless,
- heavyweight,
- imponderous,
- impotent,
- ineffective,
- ineffectual,
- inefficacious,
- karate expert,
- light heavyweight,
- lightweight,
- middleweight,
- mini,
- minikin,
- minnow,
- minny,
- mouse,
- no-account,
- nubbin,
- of no account,
- palooka,
- peewee,
- pony,
- powerless,
- prizefighter,
- pug,
- pugilist,
- runt,
- savate expert,
- shrimp,
- slip,
- small fry,
- snip,
- snippet,
- sparrer,
- tit,
- unauthoritative,
- underweight,
- unheavy,
- wart,
- weak,
- weightless,
- welterweight,
- wisp,
- without any weight