Exact Match:
- festering
- (medicine) the formation of morbific matter in an abscess or a vesicle and the discharge of pus
- abscess,
- adulteration,
- algesia,
- algetic,
- angry,
- aposteme,
- bad,
- bed sore,
- befouling,
- blain,
- bleb,
- blister,
- boil,
- bubo,
- bulla,
- bunion,
- burning,
- canker,
- canker sore,
- cankered,
- carbuncle,
- carious,
- chafed,
- chancre,
- chancroid,
- chilblain,
- cold sore,
- contamination,
- corrupt,
- corruption,
- decayed,
- decomposed,
- defilement,
- envenoming,
- eschar,
- felon,
- fester,
- fever blister,
- fiery,
- fistula,
- foul,
- fouling,
- furuncle,
- furunculus,
- galled,
- gangrened,
- gangrenous,
- gathering,
- gleet,
- gone bad,
- gumboil,
- hemorrhoids,
- ichor,
- infection,
- inflamed,
- inflammation,
- irritated,
- irritation,
- kibe,
- lesion,
- leukorrhea,
- matter,
- mattering,
- misuse,
- mortified,
- necrosed,
- necrotic,
- papula,
- papule,
- paronychia,
- parulis,
- peccant,
- peccant humor,
- perversion,
- petechia,
- piles,
- pimple,
- pock,
- poisoning,
- pollution,
- polyp,
- prostitution,
- purulence,
- purulent,
- pus,
- pussy,
- pustule,
- putrefied,
- putrescent,
- putrid,
- rankling,
- raw,
- red,
- rising,
- rotten,
- rotting,
- running,
- sanies,
- scab,
- sensitive,
- sensitiveness,
- smarting,
- soft chancre,
- sore,
- sore spot,
- soreness,
- sphacelated,
- spoiled,
- stigma,
- sty,
- suppurating,
- suppuration,
- suppurative,
- swelling,
- tender,
- tenderness,
- tingling,
- tubercle,
- ulcer,
- ulcerated,
- ulceration,
- vitiation,
- wale,
- welt,
- wheal,
- whelk,
- whitlow,
- wound