Exact Match:
- foot
- travel by walking; "he followed on foot"; "the swiftest of foot"
- any of various organs of locomotion or attachment in invertebrates
- a support resembling a pedal extremity; "one foot of the chair was on the carpet"
- the part of the leg of a human being below the ankle joint; "his bare feet projected from his trousers"; "armored from head to foot"
- the lower part of anything; "curled up on the foot of the bed"; "the foot of the page"; "the foot of the list"; "the foot of the mountain"
- a member of a surveillance team who works on foot or rides as a passenger
- a linear unit of length equal to 12 inches or a third of a yard; "he is six feet tall"
- add a column of numbers
- walk; "let's hoof it to the disco"
- pay for something; "pick up the tab"; "pick up the burden of high-interest mortgages"; "foot the bill"
- Alexandrine,
- accent,
- accentuation,
- add,
- amble,
- ambulate,
- amphibrach,
- amphimacer,
- anacrusis,
- anapest,
- ankle,
- antispast,
- arch,
- arsis,
- bacchius,
- ball the jack,
- barge,
- barrel,
- base,
- baseboard,
- basement,
- beat,
- boltrope,
- boom,
- bowl along,
- breeze,
- breeze along,
- brush,
- bundle,
- cadence,
- caesura,
- canvas,
- cast,
- catalexis,
- chassis,
- chloriamb,
- chloriambus,
- circumambulate,
- clew,
- clip,
- clog,
- cloth,
- clubfoot,
- clump,
- colon,
- counterpoint,
- cretic,
- cringle,
- crowd of sail,
- cut along,
- dactyl,
- dactylic hexameter,
- dado,
- dance,
- diaeresis,
- digit,
- dimeter,
- dipody,
- dochmiac,
- dog,
- drag,
- drift,
- earing,
- elegiac,
- elegiac couplet,
- elegiac pentameter,
- emphasis,
- epitrite,
- extremity,
- feminine caesura,
- fetlock,
- figure,
- fleet,
- flit,
- float,
- flounce,
- fly,
- fly low,
- foot it,
- footing,
- footslog,
- fore-and-aft sail,
- forefoot,
- forepaw,
- foundation,
- fox-trot,
- frame,
- gather way,
- ghost,
- glide,
- go fast,
- halt,
- harefoot,
- head,
- heel,
- heptameter,
- heptapody,
- heroic couplet,
- hexameter,
- hexapody,
- highball,
- hippety-hop,
- hitch,
- hobble,
- hoof,
- hoof it,
- hop,
- iamb,
- iambic,
- iambic pentameter,
- ictus,
- instep,
- ionic,
- jaywalk,
- jingle,
- jog,
- jog on,
- jolt,
- jump,
- keel,
- leech,
- leg,
- leg it,
- lilt,
- limp,
- luff,
- lumber,
- lunge,
- lurch,
- make headway,
- make knots,
- make sternway,
- make way,
- masculine caesura,
- measure,
- meter,
- metrical accent,
- metrical foot,
- metrical group,
- metrical unit,
- metron,
- mince,
- molossus,
- mopboard,
- mora,
- movement,
- muslin,
- nadir,
- nip,
- numbers,
- outstrip the wind,
- pace,
- pad,
- paddle,
- paeon,
- pastern,
- patte,
- paw,
- pedal extremity,
- pedes,
- pedestrianize,
- peg,
- pentameter,
- pentapody,
- perambulate,
- period,
- peripateticate,
- pes,
- piaffe,
- piaffer,
- pied,
- plain sail,
- plod,
- plow the deep,
- pour it on,
- prance,
- press of sail,
- proceleusmatic,
- pug,
- pyrrhic,
- quantity,
- rack,
- rag,
- reduced sail,
- reef point,
- reefed sail,
- rhythm,
- ride,
- ride the sea,
- rip,
- roll,
- run,
- sail,
- sashay,
- saunter,
- scorch,
- scud,
- scuff,
- scuffle,
- scuttle,
- shake,
- shamble,
- shimmy,
- shoemold,
- shoot,
- shuffle,
- shuffle along,
- sidle,
- single-foot,
- sizzle,
- skim,
- skip,
- slink,
- slip,
- slither,
- slog,
- slouch,
- sole,
- speed,
- splayfoot,
- spondee,
- sprung rhythm,
- square sail,
- stagger,
- stalk,
- stamp,
- step,
- stomp,
- storm along,
- straddle,
- straggle,
- stress,
- stride,
- stroll,
- strut,
- stump,
- stump it,
- sum,
- summate,
- swagger,
- sweep,
- swing,
- syzygy,
- tap-dance,
- tear,
- tear along,
- tetrameter,
- tetrapody,
- tetraseme,
- thesis,
- thunder along,
- tittup,
- toddle,
- toe,
- tootsy,
- tot,
- total,
- tote,
- totter,
- traipse,
- tread,
- tribrach,
- trimeter,
- trip,
- tripody,
- triseme,
- trochee,
- trotter,
- trudge,
- ungula,
- waddle,
- wainscot,
- walk,
- walk the waters,
- waltz,
- wamble,
- whisk,
- whiz,
- wiggle,
- wobble,
- zing,
- zip,
- zoom