Exact Match:
- forage
- wander and feed; "The animals forage in the woods"
- barley,
- beat,
- beat the bushes,
- bird seed,
- board,
- bran,
- bread,
- bunker,
- burrow,
- cat food,
- cater,
- chicken feed,
- chop,
- coal,
- comb,
- corn,
- delve,
- depredate,
- despoil,
- dig,
- dine,
- dog food,
- domiciliary visit,
- dragnet,
- eatage,
- ensilage,
- exploration,
- explore,
- feed,
- fill up,
- fleece,
- fodder,
- foray,
- freeboot,
- frisk,
- fuel,
- gas,
- gas up,
- go through,
- grain,
- grass,
- gratify,
- graze,
- gut,
- hay,
- house-search,
- hunt,
- hunting,
- look around,
- look round,
- look through,
- loot,
- maraud,
- mash,
- meal,
- meat,
- mess,
- nose around,
- oats,
- oil,
- pasturage,
- pasture,
- perquisition,
- pet food,
- pillage,
- plunder,
- poke,
- poke around,
- posse,
- prey on,
- probe,
- provender,
- provision,
- pry,
- purvey,
- quest,
- raid,
- ransack,
- ransacking,
- ravage,
- raven,
- ravish,
- regale,
- reive,
- research,
- rifle,
- root,
- rummage,
- sack,
- satisfy,
- scratch,
- scratch feed,
- search,
- search party,
- search through,
- search warrant,
- search-and-destroy operation,
- searching,
- sell,
- silage,
- slops,
- smell around,
- spoil,
- spoliate,
- stalk,
- stalking,
- still hunt,
- straw,
- sustain,
- sweep,
- swill,
- top off,
- turning over,
- victual,
- wheat,
- wine and dine