Exact Match:
- forbearing
- showing patient and unruffled self-control and restraint under adversity; slow to retaliate or express resentment; "seemly and forbearing...yet strong enough to resist aggression"; "was longanimous in the face of suffering"
- Spartan,
- accepting,
- armed with patience,
- benevolent,
- charitable,
- clement,
- compassionate,
- conciliatory,
- disciplined,
- easy,
- easygoing,
- endurant,
- enduring,
- forbearant,
- forgiving,
- generous,
- gentle,
- humane,
- indulgent,
- kind,
- lax,
- lenient,
- long-suffering,
- longanimous,
- magnanimous,
- merciful,
- mild,
- moderate,
- patient,
- patient as Job,
- persevering,
- philosophical,
- placable,
- self-controlled,
- soft,
- sparing,
- stoic,
- tender,
- tolerant,
- tolerating,
- tolerative,
- understanding,
- unresentful,
- unrevengeful