freedom of choice; "liberty of opinion"; "liberty of worship"; "liberty--perfect liberty--to think or feel or do just as one pleases"; "at liberty to choose whatever occupation one wishes"
personal freedom from servitude or confinement or oppression
the act of giving a formal (usually written) authorization
a legal document giving official permission to do something
freedom to deviate deliberately from normally applicable rules or practices (especially in behavior or speech)
excessive freedom; lack of due restraint; "when liberty becomes license dictatorship is near"- Will Durant; "the intolerable license with which the newspapers break...the rules of decorum"- Edmund Burke
authorize officially; "I am licensed to practice law in this state"
American silversmith remembered for his midnight ride (celebrated in a poem by Longfellow) to warn the colonists in Lexington and Concord that British troops were coming (1735-1818)
(pharmacology) a book containing a compilation of pharmaceutical products with their formulas and methods of preparation; "postexposure prophylaxis is an integral part of the pharmacopeia in preventing severe disease after acute infections"