- Sunday best,
- a continental,
- a curse,
- a damn,
- a darn,
- a hoot,
- bagatelle,
- bauble,
- bean,
- bedizenment,
- bibelot,
- bit,
- brass farthing,
- bravery,
- button,
- cent,
- chiffon,
- clinquant,
- curio,
- duplication,
- duplication of effort,
- embellishment,
- expletive,
- extravagance,
- fancy dress,
- farce,
- farthing,
- fat,
- feather,
- featherbedding,
- festoons,
- fig,
- filling,
- finery,
- fleabite,
- folderol,
- foofaraw,
- fribble,
- frill,
- frilliness,
- frilling,
- frills,
- frills and furbelows,
- froufrou,
- full dress,
- fuss,
- gaiety,
- gaud,
- gaudery,
- gewgaw,
- gilding,
- gilt,
- gimcrack,
- gingerbread,
- hair,
- halfpenny,
- hill of beans,
- jest,
- joke,
- kickshaw,
- knickknack,
- knickknackery,
- luxury,
- minikin,
- mockery,
- molehill,
- needlessness,
- ornamentation,
- overadornment,
- overlap,
- padding,
- party dress,
- paste,
- payroll padding,
- peppercorn,
- picayune,
- pin,
- pinch of snuff,
- pinchbeck,
- pinprick,
- pleonasm,
- prolixity,
- rap,
- red cent,
- redundance,
- redundancy,
- regalia,
- row of pins,
- rush,
- shit,
- snap,
- sneeshing,
- sou,
- straw,
- superfluity,
- superfluousness,
- tautology,
- tinsel,
- toy,
- trappings,
- trickery,
- trifle,
- trinket,
- triviality,
- trumpery,
- tuppence,
- two cents,
- twopence,
- unnecessariness,
- verbosity,
- war paint,
- whim-wham