a small valley between mountains; "he built himself a cabin in a hollow high up in the Appalachians"
a cavity or space in something; "hunger had caused the hollows in their cheeks"
as if echoing in a hollow space; "the hollow sound of footsteps in the empty ballroom"
not solid; having a space or gap or cavity; "a hollow wall"; "a hollow tree"; "hollow cheeks"; "his face became gaunter and more hollow with each year"
a vibrator consisting of a thin strip of stiff material that vibrates to produce a tone when air streams over it; "the clarinetist fitted a new reed onto his mouthpiece"
United States physician who proved that yellow fever is transmitted by mosquitoes (1851-1902)
United States journalist who reported on the October Revolution from Petrograd in 1917; founded the Communist Labor Party in America in 1919; is buried in the Kremlin in Moscow (1887-1920)
tall woody perennial grasses with hollow slender stems especially of the genera Arundo and Phragmites
having bones especially many or prominent bones; "a bony shad fillet"; "her bony wrist"; "bony fish"
very thin especially from disease or hunger or cold; "emaciated bony hands"; "a nightmare population of gaunt men and skeletal boys"; "eyes were haggard and cavernous"; "small pinched faces"; "kept life in his wasted frame only by grim concentration"
lacking grace in movement or posture; "a gawky lad with long ungainly legs"; "clumsy fingers"; "what an ungainly creature a giraffe is"; "heaved his unwieldy figure out of his chair"