Exact Match:
- fuss
- an angry disturbance; "he didn't want to make a fuss"; "they had labor trouble"; "a spot of bother"
- worry unnecessarily or excessively; "don't fuss too much over the grandchildren--they are quite big now"
- addle,
- addle the wits,
- ado,
- agitate,
- agitation,
- air a grievance,
- altercation,
- argument,
- ball up,
- becloud,
- bedazzle,
- beef,
- befuddle,
- bellyache,
- bewilder,
- bicker,
- bickering,
- bitch,
- bleat,
- blood feud,
- blow off,
- bluff,
- bluster,
- bluster and bluff,
- blustering,
- boastfulness,
- bobbery,
- boil,
- boiling,
- bother,
- botheration,
- bravado,
- bravery,
- brawl,
- broil,
- brouhaha,
- bug,
- bullying,
- burn to,
- burst,
- bustle,
- buzz about,
- cacophony,
- carp at,
- chafe,
- chaos,
- chiffon,
- churn,
- clamor,
- clinquant,
- cloud,
- coil,
- commotion,
- complain,
- confuse,
- contention,
- controversy,
- conturbation,
- crab,
- croak,
- daze,
- dazzle,
- discombobulate,
- discomfit,
- discompose,
- discomposure,
- disconcert,
- disdain,
- disorder,
- disorganize,
- disorient,
- dispute,
- disquiet,
- disquietude,
- disturb,
- disturbance,
- dither,
- donnybrook,
- donnybrook fair,
- dustup,
- ebullition,
- electrify,
- embarrass,
- embroilment,
- entangle,
- excitement,
- falling-out,
- fanaticism,
- fanfaronade,
- feery-fary,
- ferment,
- fermentation,
- festoons,
- feud,
- fever,
- feverishness,
- fidgetiness,
- fidgets,
- fight,
- finery,
- fit,
- flap,
- fliting,
- flummox,
- flurry,
- fluster,
- flusteration,
- flustration,
- flutter,
- flutteration,
- flutteriness,
- fog,
- folderol,
- foment,
- fomentation,
- foofaraw,
- fracas,
- free-for-all,
- frenzy,
- fret,
- fret and fume,
- fret at,
- frilliness,
- frilling,
- frills,
- frills and furbelows,
- frippery,
- froufrou,
- fuddle,
- fuddy-duddy,
- fume,
- furor,
- furore,
- fury,
- fuss at,
- fuss-budget,
- fusser,
- fussiness,
- fusspot,
- gaiety,
- gaudery,
- get excited,
- gilding,
- gilt,
- gingerbread,
- granny,
- gripe,
- groan,
- grouch,
- grouse,
- growl,
- grumble,
- grunt,
- hardly wait,
- hassle,
- haste,
- hasten,
- hectoring,
- helter-skelter,
- henpeck,
- holler,
- howl,
- hubbub,
- hullabaloo,
- hurly-burly,
- hurrah,
- hurry,
- hurry about,
- imbroglio,
- inquietude,
- intimidation,
- itch to,
- jar,
- jitters,
- jolt,
- jump the gun,
- jumpiness,
- kick,
- lather,
- lodge a complaint,
- logomachy,
- maelstrom,
- make a fuss,
- malaise,
- maze,
- melee,
- miff,
- mist,
- mix up,
- moider,
- moil,
- muddle,
- murmur,
- mutter,
- nag,
- nerviness,
- nervosity,
- nervousness,
- nibble at,
- old maid,
- old woman,
- open quarrel,
- pandemonium,
- passion,
- paste,
- peck at,
- pell-mell,
- perplex,
- perturb,
- perturbation,
- pester,
- pick and choose,
- pick at,
- pick on,
- pinchbeck,
- polemic,
- pother,
- pucker,
- put out,
- quarrel,
- racket,
- rage,
- raise a howl,
- raise hell,
- rampage,
- rant,
- rattle,
- register a complaint,
- repine,
- restlessness,
- riot,
- rock,
- rodomontade,
- roil,
- rough-and-tumble,
- roughhouse,
- rout,
- row,
- ruckus,
- ruction,
- ruffle,
- rumpus,
- rush about,
- rush around,
- scorn,
- scramble,
- seethe,
- seething,
- shake,
- shake up,
- sharp words,
- shindig,
- shindy,
- shock,
- side,
- slanging match,
- snarl,
- spasm,
- spat,
- speed,
- splutter,
- spurn,
- spurt,
- sputter,
- squabble,
- squawk,
- squirm,
- stagger,
- stew,
- stink,
- stir,
- storminess,
- strife,
- superfluity,
- swagger,
- swashbucklery,
- sweat,
- sweat and stew,
- sweat it out,
- swirl,
- swivet,
- take on,
- tear around,
- tempestuousness,
- throw into confusion,
- tiff,
- tinsel,
- tizzy,
- to-do,
- trappings,
- trepidation,
- trepidity,
- trickery,
- trouble,
- trumpery,
- tumult,
- tumultuation,
- tumultuousness,
- turbidity,
- turbulence,
- turmoil,
- tussle,
- twitter,
- twitteration,
- unease,
- unquiet,
- unrest,
- unsettle,
- uproar,
- upset,
- vendetta,
- vortex,
- wail,
- wait impatiently,
- whine,
- whirl,
- whirlpool,
- whirlwind,
- whiz about,
- wildness,
- words,
- worry,
- wrangle,
- yammer,
- yap,
- yap at,
- yawp,
- yelp,
- zeal,
- zealousness