Exact Match:
- gather
- the act of gathering something
- sewing consisting of small folds or puckers made by pulling tight a thread in a line of stitching
- conclude from evidence; "I gather you have not done your homework"
- look for (food) in nature; "Our ancestors gathered nuts in the Fall"
- draw fabric together and sew it tightly
- assemble or get together; "gather some stones"; "pull your thoughts together"
- accouple,
- accumulate,
- affiliate,
- agglomerate,
- agglutinate,
- aggregate,
- aggroup,
- ally,
- amass,
- approach,
- articulate,
- assemble,
- associate,
- assume,
- await,
- band,
- batch,
- be afraid,
- be imminent,
- be in store,
- believe,
- blast,
- blossom,
- blow,
- blow a hurricane,
- blow great guns,
- blow over,
- blow up,
- bluster,
- bond,
- bracket,
- breeze,
- breeze up,
- brew,
- bridge,
- bridge over,
- bring in,
- bring together,
- build,
- bulk,
- bunch,
- bunch together,
- bunch up,
- burgeon,
- catch,
- cement,
- chain,
- choose,
- clap together,
- clot,
- clump,
- cluster,
- collect,
- colligate,
- collocate,
- combine,
- come on,
- come together,
- come up,
- compare,
- compile,
- comprise,
- concatenate,
- conceive,
- conclude,
- confront,
- conglobulate,
- conglomerate,
- congregate,
- congress,
- conjoin,
- conjugate,
- connect,
- consider,
- constrict,
- contract,
- convene,
- converge,
- copulate,
- corral,
- couple,
- cover,
- crease,
- creasing,
- crimp,
- crisp,
- crop,
- crop herbs,
- crowd,
- cull,
- cumulate,
- cut,
- daresay,
- date,
- deduce,
- deduct,
- deem,
- deepen,
- derive,
- develop,
- dig,
- dig up,
- divine,
- dog-ear,
- double,
- double over,
- doubling,
- drag up,
- draw,
- draw a conclusion,
- draw an inference,
- draw near,
- draw nigh,
- draw on,
- draw together,
- draw up,
- dream,
- dredge,
- dredge up,
- drive together,
- duplicature,
- embrace,
- encompass,
- encounter,
- enfold,
- enlarge,
- expand,
- expect,
- extend,
- extract,
- face,
- fancy,
- fathom,
- feel,
- fetch,
- find,
- fish up,
- flection,
- flexure,
- flock together,
- flounce,
- flourish,
- flow together,
- flute,
- fold,
- fold over,
- follow,
- forgather,
- forthcome,
- freshen,
- frill,
- fuse,
- gang around,
- gang up,
- garner,
- gather around,
- gather in,
- gather together,
- gather up,
- germinate,
- get in,
- get together,
- glean,
- glue,
- grabble,
- grant,
- grasp,
- group,
- grow,
- grow up,
- grub,
- grub up,
- hang over,
- harvest,
- haul up,
- hay,
- heap,
- heap up,
- hear,
- heighten,
- herd together,
- hive,
- horde,
- hover,
- huddle,
- huff,
- hypertrophy,
- imagine,
- impend,
- include,
- increase,
- induce,
- infer,
- infold,
- intensify,
- interfold,
- join,
- judge,
- juxtapose,
- knot,
- lap over,
- lapel,
- lappet,
- lay together,
- league,
- learn,
- let,
- let be,
- lie over,
- link,
- loom,
- lower,
- lump together,
- make,
- make out,
- make up,
- marry,
- marshal,
- mass,
- match,
- mature,
- meet,
- menace,
- merge,
- mill,
- mobilize,
- mow,
- mushroom,
- muster,
- near,
- nut,
- opine,
- outgrow,
- overdevelop,
- overgrow,
- overhang,
- overtop,
- pair,
- partner,
- pick,
- pick up,
- piece together,
- pile,
- pile up,
- pipe up,
- plait,
- plat,
- pleat,
- plica,
- plicate,
- plication,
- plicature,
- pluck,
- pluck up,
- ply,
- prefigure,
- presume,
- presuppose,
- presurmise,
- procreate,
- provisionally accept,
- pucker,
- puff,
- pull together,
- pullulate,
- purse,
- put together,
- quill,
- rage,
- raise,
- rake up,
- rally,
- rally around,
- reap,
- reap and carry,
- reason,
- reason that,
- reckon,
- rendezvous,
- reproduce,
- repute,
- rise,
- roll into one,
- round up,
- ruche,
- ruching,
- ruff,
- ruffle,
- say,
- scare up,
- scrape together,
- scrape up,
- seethe,
- select,
- set in,
- shirr,
- shoot up,
- solder,
- span,
- splice,
- spring up,
- sprout,
- sprout up,
- squall,
- stack,
- stick together,
- stock,
- stockpile,
- storm,
- stream,
- suppose,
- surge,
- surmise,
- suspect,
- swarm,
- take,
- take as proved,
- take for,
- take for granted,
- take in,
- take it,
- take to be,
- take up,
- tape,
- think,
- threaten,
- thrive,
- throng,
- tie,
- tower,
- troop,
- tuck,
- turn out,
- turn over,
- twill,
- understand,
- unify,
- unite,
- upshoot,
- upspear,
- upspring,
- upsprout,
- vegetate,
- waft,
- wax,
- weld,
- whiff,
- whiffle,
- whip in,
- yoke