Exact Match:
- gilt
- a coating of gold or of something that looks like gold
- acting,
- affectation,
- appearance,
- attitudinizing,
- aureate,
- auric,
- barrow,
- beige,
- bluff,
- bluffing,
- blunt,
- boar,
- boodle,
- brass,
- brassy,
- bravery,
- brazen,
- bread,
- bronze,
- bronzy,
- bucks,
- buff,
- buff-yellow,
- cabbage,
- canary,
- canary-yellow,
- cheating,
- chiffon,
- chips,
- citron,
- citron-yellow,
- clinquant,
- color,
- coloring,
- copper,
- coppery,
- cream,
- creamy,
- cupreous,
- cuprous,
- deception,
- delusion,
- dinero,
- disguise,
- dissemblance,
- dissembling,
- dissimulation,
- dough,
- ecru,
- facade,
- face,
- fakery,
- faking,
- fallow,
- false air,
- false front,
- false show,
- falsity,
- feigning,
- feint,
- ferrous,
- ferruginous,
- festoons,
- finery,
- flaxen,
- folderol,
- foofaraw,
- four-flushing,
- fraud,
- frilliness,
- frilling,
- frills,
- frills and furbelows,
- frippery,
- front,
- froufrou,
- fuss,
- gaiety,
- gaudery,
- gelt,
- gilded,
- gilding,
- gingerbread,
- gloss,
- gold,
- gold-colored,
- gold-filled,
- gold-plated,
- golden,
- grease,
- green,
- green stuff,
- hog,
- humbug,
- humbuggery,
- imposture,
- iron,
- ironlike,
- jack,
- kale,
- lead,
- leaden,
- lemon,
- lemon-yellow,
- luteolous,
- lutescent,
- masquerade,
- mazuma,
- mercurial,
- mercurous,
- meretriciousness,
- moolah,
- mopus,
- nickel,
- nickelic,
- nickeline,
- ocherish,
- ocherous,
- ochery,
- ochreous,
- ochroid,
- ochrous,
- ochry,
- oil of palms,
- ointment,
- oof,
- ooftish,
- or,
- ostentation,
- outward show,
- paste,
- pewter,
- pewtery,
- pig,
- piggy,
- piglet,
- pigling,
- pinchbeck,
- playacting,
- porker,
- pose,
- posing,
- posture,
- pretense,
- pretension,
- pretext,
- primrose,
- primrose-colored,
- primrose-yellow,
- quicksilver,
- razorback,
- representation,
- rhino,
- rocks,
- saffron,
- saffron-colored,
- saffron-yellow,
- sallow,
- sand-colored,
- sandy,
- seeming,
- semblance,
- sham,
- shekels,
- shoat,
- show,
- silver,
- silver-plated,
- silvery,
- simoleons,
- simulacrum,
- simulation,
- sow,
- speciousness,
- spondulics,
- steel,
- steely,
- straw,
- straw-colored,
- suckling pig,
- sugar,
- superfluity,
- swine,
- the needful,
- tin,
- tinny,
- tinsel,
- trappings,
- trickery,
- trumpery,
- tusker,
- varnish,
- wampum,
- wild boar,
- window dressing,
- xanthic,
- xanthous,
- yellow,
- yellowish