Exact Match:
- gorilla
- largest anthropoid ape; terrestrial and vegetarian; of forests of central west Africa
- Antaeus,
- Atlas,
- Barbary ape,
- Briareus,
- Brobdingnagian,
- Cain,
- Charles Atlas,
- Cyclops,
- Goliath,
- Hercules,
- Mafioso,
- Polyphemus,
- Samson,
- Superman,
- Tarzan,
- Titan,
- Young Turk,
- angwantibo,
- anthropoid ape,
- apache,
- ape,
- assassin,
- assassinator,
- aye-aye,
- baboon,
- battler,
- beast,
- beldam,
- belligerent,
- belted knight,
- berserk,
- berserker,
- bickerer,
- blade,
- bloodletter,
- bloodshedder,
- bomber,
- bravo,
- brawler,
- bruiser,
- brute,
- bully,
- bullyboy,
- burker,
- butcher,
- button man,
- cannibal,
- capuchin,
- chacma,
- chimpanzee,
- colossus,
- combatant,
- competitor,
- contender,
- contestant,
- cutthroat,
- demon,
- desperado,
- devil,
- disputant,
- dragon,
- drill,
- duelist,
- enforcer,
- entellus,
- eradicator,
- executioner,
- exterminator,
- fencer,
- feuder,
- fiend,
- fighter,
- fighting cock,
- fire-eater,
- firebrand,
- foilsman,
- fury,
- gamecock,
- garroter,
- giant,
- gibbon,
- gladiator,
- goon,
- guenon,
- guereza,
- gun,
- gunman,
- gunsel,
- hanuman,
- hardnose,
- hatchet man,
- head-hunter,
- hell-raiser,
- hellcat,
- hellhound,
- hellion,
- hit man,
- holy terror,
- homicidal maniac,
- homicide,
- hood,
- hoodlum,
- hooligan,
- hothead,
- hotspur,
- incendiary,
- jouster,
- killer,
- knight,
- langur,
- lemur,
- macaque,
- mad dog,
- madcap,
- man,
- man-eater,
- man-killer,
- mandrill,
- manslayer,
- marmoset,
- massacrer,
- matador,
- militant,
- monster,
- mountain gorilla,
- mug,
- mugger,
- murderer,
- muscle man,
- orang,
- orangutan,
- pesticide,
- plug-ugly,
- poison,
- poisoner,
- powerhouse,
- proboscis monkey,
- quarreler,
- rapist,
- revolutionary,
- rhesus,
- rioter,
- rival,
- rodman,
- rough,
- roughneck,
- rowdy,
- ruffian,
- sabreur,
- saki,
- savage,
- scrapper,
- scuffler,
- she-wolf,
- slaughterer,
- slayer,
- spitfire,
- squabbler,
- stalwart,
- strangler,
- strong arm,
- strong man,
- strong-arm man,
- strong-armer,
- struggler,
- swashbuckler,
- sword,
- swordplayer,
- swordsman,
- termagant,
- terror,
- terrorist,
- the mighty,
- the strong,
- thug,
- tiger,
- tigress,
- tilter,
- torpedo,
- tough,
- tough guy,
- tower of strength,
- trigger man,
- tussler,
- ugly customer,
- violent,
- virago,
- vixen,
- wild beast,
- witch,
- wolf,
- wrangler