Exact Match:
- greatness
- the property possessed by something or someone of outstanding importance or eminence
- accomplishment,
- ampleness,
- amplitude,
- area,
- ascendancy,
- authority,
- bigheartedness,
- bigness,
- body,
- breadth,
- broadness,
- brooding,
- bulk,
- caliber,
- capaciousness,
- chivalrousness,
- chivalry,
- comprehensiveness,
- consequence,
- conspicuousness,
- copiousness,
- coverage,
- covering,
- deanship,
- depth,
- diameter,
- dignity,
- dimension,
- dimensions,
- distinction,
- elevation,
- eminence,
- errantry,
- esteem,
- exaltation,
- excellence,
- expanse,
- expansion,
- expansiveness,
- extension,
- extensiveness,
- extent,
- fame,
- favor,
- gauge,
- generosity,
- generousness,
- gestation,
- girth,
- glory,
- grandeur,
- grandiosity,
- grandness,
- gravidity,
- gravidness,
- great heart,
- greatheartedness,
- greatness of heart,
- heaviness,
- height,
- heroism,
- high mightiness,
- high-mindedness,
- honor,
- idealism,
- importance,
- incomparability,
- incubation,
- influence,
- influentialness,
- inimitability,
- knight-errantry,
- knightliness,
- largeheartedness,
- largeness,
- lead,
- length,
- liberality,
- liberalness,
- loftiness,
- magnanimity,
- magnanimousness,
- magnitude,
- majority,
- mark,
- mass,
- measure,
- measurement,
- memorability,
- moment,
- nobility,
- noble-mindedness,
- nobleness,
- notability,
- note,
- noteworthiness,
- one-upmanship,
- openhandedness,
- outstandingness,
- precedence,
- predominance,
- predomination,
- preeminence,
- pregnancy,
- preponderance,
- prepotence,
- prepotency,
- prerogative,
- pressure,
- prestige,
- princeliness,
- priority,
- privilege,
- profundity,
- prominence,
- proportion,
- proportions,
- radius,
- range,
- rank,
- reach,
- remarkableness,
- renown,
- reputation,
- repute,
- right-of-way,
- salience,
- scale,
- scope,
- seniority,
- significance,
- sitting,
- size,
- skill,
- spaciousness,
- spread,
- stature,
- sublimity,
- success,
- supereminence,
- superiority,
- tallness,
- the family way,
- transcendence,
- transcendency,
- virtuosity,
- volume,
- weight,
- weightiness,
- wideness,
- width