Exact Match:
- halcyon
- a mythical bird said to breed at the time of the winter solstice in a nest floating on the sea and to have the power of calming the winds and waves
- a large kingfisher widely distributed in warmer parts of the Old World
- idyllically calm and peaceful; suggesting happy tranquillity; "a halcyon atmosphere"
- Saturnian,
- at peace,
- at rest,
- balmy,
- bloodless,
- blooming,
- blossoming,
- booming,
- bright,
- calm,
- clear,
- cloistered,
- concordant,
- cool,
- dwindling,
- ebbing,
- even-tenored,
- exuberant,
- fair,
- fat,
- flourishing,
- flowering,
- fruiting,
- going strong,
- hushed,
- idyllic,
- impassive,
- in full swing,
- in good case,
- isolated,
- mild,
- moldering,
- orderly,
- pacific,
- palmy,
- pastoral,
- peaceable,
- peaceful,
- peacetime,
- piping,
- placid,
- prospering,
- quiescent,
- quiet,
- reposeful,
- reposing,
- restful,
- resting,
- rosy,
- secluded,
- sequestered,
- sequestrated,
- serene,
- sheltered,
- sleek,
- smooth,
- soft,
- still,
- still as death,
- stillish,
- stilly,
- stoic,
- stolid,
- subsiding,
- sunny,
- thriving,
- tranquil,
- unagitated,
- undisturbed,
- unmoved,
- unperturbed,
- unruffled,
- unstirring,
- untroubled,
- vigorous,
- waning