Exact Match:
- howl
- a long loud emotional utterance; "he gave a howl of pain"; "howls of laughter"; "their howling had no effect"
- a loud sustained noise resembling the cry of a hound; "the howl of the wind made him restless"
- the long plaintive cry of a hound or a wolf
- emit long loud cries; "wail in self-pity"; "howl with sorrow"
- cry loudly, as of animals; "The coyotes were howling in the desert"
- Bedlam let loose,
- air a grievance,
- animal noise,
- bark,
- barking,
- battle cry,
- bawl,
- bay,
- bedlam,
- beef,
- beefing,
- bell,
- bellow,
- bellyache,
- bellyaching,
- birdcall,
- bitch,
- bitching,
- blare,
- blast,
- blat,
- blate,
- bleat,
- bobbery,
- boggle,
- boycott,
- brawl,
- bray,
- brouhaha,
- call,
- call in question,
- caterwaul,
- challenge,
- charivari,
- cheer,
- chirm,
- clamor,
- clang,
- clangor,
- clap,
- clatter,
- commotion,
- complain,
- complaining,
- complaint,
- compunction,
- crab,
- creak,
- croak,
- cry,
- cry out,
- cry out against,
- demonstrate,
- demonstrate against,
- demonstration,
- demur,
- demurrer,
- destructive criticism,
- din,
- discord,
- dispute,
- dissent,
- dolorous tirade,
- donnybrook,
- drunken brawl,
- dustup,
- enter a protest,
- exception,
- expostulate,
- expostulation,
- faultfinding,
- flap,
- fracas,
- free-for-all,
- fret,
- fret and fume,
- fuss,
- give tongue,
- give voice,
- grievance,
- grievance committee,
- gripe,
- griping,
- groan,
- groaning,
- grouch,
- grouse,
- grousing,
- growl,
- grumble,
- grumbling,
- grunt,
- hail,
- halloo,
- hell broke loose,
- holler,
- hollo,
- hoot,
- howling,
- hubbub,
- hue and cry,
- hullabaloo,
- hurrah,
- indignation meeting,
- jangle,
- jeremiad,
- keen,
- kick,
- kicking,
- lament,
- lodge a complaint,
- loud noise,
- low,
- make an outcry,
- march,
- mating call,
- meow,
- mew,
- mewl,
- miaow,
- moan,
- moo,
- murmur,
- murmuring,
- mutter,
- neigh,
- nicker,
- noise,
- noise and shouting,
- nonviolent protest,
- note,
- object,
- objection,
- outcry,
- pandemonium,
- panic,
- peeve,
- peevishness,
- pet peeve,
- petulance,
- picket,
- picketing,
- pipe,
- plaint,
- planctus,
- press objections,
- protest,
- protest demonstration,
- protestation,
- pule,
- qualm,
- querulousness,
- racket,
- raise a howl,
- rally,
- rallying cry,
- rattle,
- register a complaint,
- remonstrance,
- remonstrate,
- remonstration,
- rhubarb,
- roar,
- row,
- ruckus,
- ruction,
- rumble,
- rumpus,
- scolding,
- screak,
- scream,
- screech,
- scruple,
- shindy,
- shivaree,
- shout,
- shriek,
- shrill,
- sidesplitter,
- sigh,
- sing,
- sit in,
- sit-in,
- skirl,
- skreigh,
- snarl,
- sniping,
- sob,
- sough,
- squall,
- squawk,
- squawking,
- squeak,
- squeal,
- state a grievance,
- stridulation,
- strike,
- take on,
- teach in,
- teach-in,
- thunder,
- thunderclap,
- tintamarre,
- tirade,
- troat,
- tumult,
- ululate,
- ululation,
- uproar,
- wail,
- wail of woe,
- wailing,
- war cry,
- war whoop,
- whicker,
- whimper,
- whine,
- whining,
- whinny,
- whisper,
- whistle,
- whoop,
- woodnote,
- wrawl,
- yammer,
- yap,
- yapping,
- yawl,
- yawp,
- yell,
- yell bloody murder,
- yelp,
- yelping,
- yip,
- yo-ho,
- yowl