Exact Match:
- humility
- a disposition to be humble; a lack of false pride; "not everyone regards humility as a virtue"
- a humble feeling; "he was filled with humility at the sight of the Pope"
- Quakerism,
- acquiescence,
- altruism,
- amenability,
- back seat,
- bashfulness,
- commitment,
- compliance,
- consecration,
- dedication,
- devotion,
- diffidence,
- disinterest,
- disinterestedness,
- dovelikeness,
- gentleness,
- humbleness,
- inferiority,
- juniority,
- lamblikeness,
- lowliness,
- meekness,
- mildness,
- minority,
- modesty,
- nonresistance,
- nonviolent resistance,
- obedience,
- passive resistance,
- passiveness,
- passivity,
- peaceableness,
- quietism,
- quietness,
- resignation,
- sacrifice,
- second fiddle,
- second string,
- secondariness,
- self-abasement,
- self-abnegation,
- self-denial,
- self-devotion,
- self-effacement,
- self-forgetfulness,
- self-immolation,
- self-neglect,
- self-neglectfulness,
- self-renouncement,
- self-sacrifice,
- self-subjection,
- selflessness,
- servility,
- shyness,
- subjection,
- submission,
- submissiveness,
- subordinacy,
- subordination,
- subservience,
- tameness,
- third string,
- timidity,
- timorousness,
- unacquisitiveness,
- unambitiousness,
- unassumingness,
- unboastfulness,
- uncomplainingness,
- unobtrusiveness,
- unpossessiveness,
- unpresumptuousness,
- unpretentiousness,
- unselfishness