Exact Match:
- illustration
- a visual representation (a picture or diagram) that is used make some subject more pleasing or easier to understand
- artwork that helps make something clear or attractive
- abstract,
- abstraction,
- acrylic painting,
- allegorization,
- alphabet,
- altarpiece,
- art,
- block print,
- blueprint,
- case,
- case history,
- case in point,
- charactering,
- characterization,
- chart,
- choreography,
- citation,
- clarification,
- collage,
- color print,
- coloring,
- conventional representation,
- copy,
- cracking,
- cross reference,
- cyclorama,
- dance notation,
- daub,
- decipherment,
- decoding,
- delineation,
- demonstration,
- demythologization,
- depiction,
- depictment,
- diagram,
- diptych,
- drama,
- drawing,
- editing,
- elucidation,
- emblem,
- emendation,
- encaustic cerography,
- encaustic painting,
- engraving,
- enlightenment,
- euhemerism,
- example,
- exegesis,
- exemplar,
- exemplification,
- explanation,
- explication,
- exponent,
- exposition,
- expounding,
- figuration,
- figure,
- finger painting,
- flower painting,
- for instance,
- fresco,
- fresco painting,
- genre painting,
- gouache,
- grisaille,
- hieroglyphic,
- icon,
- iconography,
- ideogram,
- illumination,
- image,
- imagery,
- imaging,
- impasto,
- instance,
- item,
- letter,
- light,
- likeness,
- limning,
- logogram,
- logograph,
- map,
- miniature,
- monochrome,
- montage,
- mosaic,
- mural,
- mural painting,
- musical notation,
- notation,
- object lesson,
- oil painting,
- painting,
- panorama,
- particular,
- photograph,
- pictogram,
- picture,
- picturization,
- plan,
- portraiture,
- portrayal,
- poster painting,
- prefigurement,
- presentment,
- print,
- printing,
- problem,
- projection,
- quotation,
- rationale,
- realization,
- reason,
- reference,
- relevant instance,
- rendering,
- rendition,
- representation,
- representative,
- reproduction,
- sample,
- sampling,
- schema,
- score,
- script,
- simplification,
- solution,
- specimen,
- stained glass window,
- stencil,
- still life,
- syllabary,
- symbol,
- tablature,
- tableau,
- tapestry,
- the brush,
- triptych,
- type,
- typical example,
- unlocking,
- wall painting,
- wash,
- wash drawing,
- writing