Exact Match:
- innocence
- a state or condition of being innocent of a specific crime or offense; "the trial established his innocence"
- agnosticism,
- artlessness,
- benignancy,
- benignity,
- blankmindedness,
- blotlessness,
- bluffness,
- bluntness,
- callowness,
- candor,
- chastity,
- childlikeness,
- cleanliness,
- cleanness,
- directness,
- empty-headedness,
- greenhornism,
- greenness,
- guilelessness,
- guiltlessness,
- harmlessness,
- hiatus of learning,
- honor,
- hurtlessness,
- ignorance,
- ignorantism,
- ignorantness,
- immaculacy,
- immaculateness,
- inanity,
- inexperience,
- ingenuousness,
- innocuousness,
- inoffensiveness,
- know-nothingism,
- knowledge-gap,
- lack of information,
- naiveness,
- naivete,
- naivety,
- nescience,
- obscurantism,
- openheartedness,
- openness,
- outspokenness,
- plainness,
- purity,
- rawness,
- sexual innocence,
- simpleheartedness,
- simplemindedness,
- simpleness,
- simplicity,
- sincerity,
- single-heartedness,
- single-mindedness,
- singleness of heart,
- snowiness,
- spotlessness,
- stainlessness,
- tabula rasa,
- taintlessness,
- trustfulness,
- unacquaintance,
- unacquaintedness,
- unawareness,
- unblemishedness,
- unblottedness,
- uncorruptness,
- undefiledness,
- unfamiliarity,
- unguardedness,
- uninjuriousness,
- unintelligence,
- unknowing,
- unknowingness,
- unobnoxiousness,
- unripeness,
- unsoiledness,
- unsophisticatedness,
- unsophistication,
- unspottedness,
- unstainedness,
- unsulliedness,
- unsuspiciousness,
- untaintedness,
- unwariness,
- vacuity,
- vacuousness,
- virtue,
- virtuousness,
- whiteness