Exact Match:
- insinuation
- an indirect (and usually malicious) implication
- access,
- accusal,
- accusation,
- accusing,
- admission,
- allegation,
- allegement,
- animadversion,
- apple-polishing,
- arraignment,
- ascendancy,
- ascription,
- aside,
- aspersion,
- ass-kissing,
- authority,
- backscratching,
- bill of particulars,
- blame,
- bootlicking,
- bringing of charges,
- bringing to book,
- broad hint,
- brown-nosing,
- charge,
- charisma,
- charm,
- clout,
- clue,
- complaint,
- consequence,
- control,
- count,
- credit,
- cringing,
- cue,
- delation,
- denouncement,
- denunciation,
- dominance,
- domination,
- effect,
- embedment,
- eminence,
- enchantment,
- encroachment,
- entrance,
- entree,
- entrenchment,
- entry,
- episode,
- esteem,
- favor,
- fawnery,
- fawning,
- flunkyism,
- footlicking,
- force,
- gentle hint,
- gesture,
- glimmer,
- glimmering,
- good feeling,
- graft,
- grafting,
- groveling,
- handshaking,
- hint,
- hold,
- impaction,
- impactment,
- impeachment,
- impingement,
- implantation,
- implication,
- import,
- importance,
- importation,
- importing,
- imposition,
- imputation,
- incidental power,
- income,
- incoming,
- incursion,
- index,
- indication,
- indictment,
- infiltration,
- infix,
- infixion,
- influence,
- influentiality,
- influx,
- information,
- infringement,
- infusion,
- ingoing,
- ingratiation,
- ingress,
- ingression,
- injection,
- inkling,
- innuendo,
- inoculation,
- input,
- inroad,
- insert,
- insertion,
- intake,
- intercalation,
- interference,
- interjection,
- interlineation,
- interlocution,
- interloping,
- interpenetration,
- interpolation,
- interposition,
- interposure,
- interruption,
- intervention,
- intimation,
- introduction,
- introgression,
- intromission,
- intrusion,
- invasion,
- irruption,
- kick,
- lawsuit,
- laying of charges,
- leadership,
- leakage,
- leverage,
- look,
- magnetism,
- mastery,
- mealymouthedness,
- moment,
- nod,
- nudge,
- obeisance,
- obiter dictum,
- obsequiousness,
- obtrusion,
- parasitism,
- parenthesis,
- penetration,
- percolation,
- perfusion,
- personal remark,
- personality,
- persuasion,
- plaint,
- potency,
- power,
- predominance,
- preponderance,
- pressure,
- prestige,
- prompt,
- prosecution,
- prostration,
- purchase,
- reception,
- reflection,
- reign,
- remark,
- reproach,
- repute,
- rule,
- say,
- scent,
- seepage,
- side remark,
- sign,
- signal,
- slur,
- sly suggestion,
- sponging,
- spoor,
- suasion,
- subtle influence,
- suggestion,
- suit,
- supremacy,
- suspicion,
- sway,
- sycophancy,
- symptom,
- taxing,
- telltale,
- tessellation,
- timeserving,
- toadeating,
- toadying,
- toadyism,
- tossing-in,
- track,
- transplant,
- transplantation,
- trespass,
- trespassing,
- truckling,
- true bill,
- tufthunting,
- uncomplimentary remark,
- unlawful entry,
- unspoken accusation,
- upper hand,
- veiled accusation,
- weight,
- whip hand,
- whisper,
- whispering campaign,
- wink