Exact Match:
- jack
- male donkey
- any of several fast-swimming predacious fishes of tropical to warm temperate seas
- tool for exerting pressure or lifting
- one of four face cards in a deck bearing a picture of a young prince
- small flag indicating a ship's nationality
- game equipment consisting of one of several small six-pointed metal pieces that are picked up while bouncing a ball in the game of jacks
- an electrical device consisting of a connector socket designed for the insertion of a plug
- a small ball at which players aim in lawn bowling
- a small worthless amount; "you don't know jack"
- lift with a special device; "jack up the car so you can change the tire"
- AB,
- Ancient Mariner,
- Argonaut,
- Dannebrog,
- Dylan,
- Flying Dutchman,
- Jolly Roger,
- Neptune,
- OD,
- Old Glory,
- Poseidon,
- Rocky Mountain canary,
- Star-Spangled Banner,
- Stars and Stripes,
- Union Flag,
- Union Jack,
- Varuna,
- able seaman,
- able-bodied seaman,
- ace,
- and blue,
- ass,
- baluster,
- balustrade,
- banderole,
- banister,
- banner,
- banneret,
- base,
- best bower,
- black flag,
- blue ensign,
- bluejacket,
- blunt,
- boodle,
- bower,
- brass,
- bread,
- buccaneer,
- bucks,
- bunting,
- burgee,
- burro,
- cabbage,
- cards,
- caryatid,
- cash,
- chips,
- clubs,
- coachwhip,
- coin,
- colonnade,
- color,
- colors,
- column,
- crab,
- crane,
- cuddy,
- dado,
- deck,
- deep-sea man,
- derrick,
- deuce,
- diamonds,
- dickey,
- die,
- dinero,
- donkey,
- dough,
- dummy,
- ensign,
- erector,
- face cards,
- fair-weather sailor,
- fisherman,
- flag,
- flush,
- footstalk,
- forklift,
- full house,
- gantry crane,
- gelt,
- gilt,
- gonfalon,
- gonfanon,
- grease,
- green,
- green stuff,
- greenbacks,
- guidon,
- hand,
- hearts,
- hearty,
- hoist,
- house flag,
- hydraulic tailgate,
- jack afloat,
- jack-tar,
- jackass,
- jackscrew,
- jacky,
- jennet,
- jenny,
- jenny ass,
- joker,
- kale,
- king,
- knave,
- left bower,
- lever,
- lift,
- lifter,
- limey,
- lobsterman,
- long pennant,
- mariner,
- matelot,
- mazuma,
- merchant flag,
- money,
- moolah,
- mopus,
- national flag,
- navigator,
- neddy,
- newel-post,
- oil of palms,
- ointment,
- oof,
- ooftish,
- oriflamme,
- pack,
- pair,
- pedestal,
- pedicel,
- peduncle,
- pendant,
- pennant,
- pennon,
- pennoncel,
- picture cards,
- pier,
- pilaster,
- pile,
- piling,
- pillar,
- pirate,
- playing cards,
- plinth,
- pole,
- post,
- privateer,
- queen,
- queen-post,
- red,
- red ensign,
- rhino,
- rocks,
- round,
- royal flush,
- royal standard,
- rubber,
- ruff,
- sailor,
- salt,
- scratch,
- sea dog,
- sea rover,
- seafarer,
- seafaring man,
- seaman,
- shaft,
- shekels,
- shipman,
- signal flag,
- simoleons,
- singleton,
- socle,
- spades,
- spondulics,
- staff,
- stalk,
- stanchion,
- stand,
- standard,
- stem,
- straight,
- streamer,
- subbase,
- sugar,
- surbase,
- swallowtail,
- tackle,
- tar,
- tarpaulin,
- the needful,
- tin,
- trey,
- trick,
- tricolor,
- trump,
- trunk,
- upright,
- vexillum,
- viking,
- wampum,
- water dog,
- whaler,
- white,
- windjammer,
- windlass,
- windsailor